Aug 12, 2011 06:43

(Pointless post is pointless, please skip unless bored)KNOW WHY?

I was following a secret mystery tunnel of YouTube videos (you know how that happens, you start watching a clip from a news show, then two hours later and you're watching a guy who thinks he's a cat fighting a statue while wearing purple body paint or something), and I see G Dragon smashing this guitar on the stage. He goes, pulls it out, plays it for twenty seconds, and then SMASHES it. Next video, different show, same thing. And again. And I realize this is a tour, where every show, he's smashing a guitar.

What is the purpose of this? It is not cool, it's wasteful. If you've got that much money to burn, donate it or the guitars to someone who needs it more than you do the five seconds of the screams getting louder.

AND THEN, after I thought this, I paused to stare at myself in horror, and realized, REALIZED...I am now OLD. I am now turning into the old person who yells about the music being too loud, ridiculous band names, and pop stars smashing guitars. WHAT IS THIS. I haven't even reached my quarter century mark! BUT, AHAHA, does anyone happen to know how to zoom in on a webpage? Because I pressed something awhile back, and my entry page went all tinytiiiny font, and I can't read it. WITH MY OLD, FADING EYESIGHT.

Also, OT: I will be catching up on comments at the friend post soon, I promise! Sorry for the wait. :/

universe is against me, oh noez, random city, enemies among us, rough bsns, the south is on fire, music, oh shit

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