Update on the Non-Update

Nov 30, 2011 10:10

I want to thank whoever nominated me at the dhr_advent -- it's an honor, and I truly appreciate it! However, I had to decline in an attempt to be an adult with responsibilities. I weighed the guilt factor of either end, and while I still feel sorry for declining, I decided I really have to focus my time on my current stories. People have waited long enough for them. :/

Which brings me to this. I've been getting more emails, messages, and reviews about this than regular ones, so I thought I might put it here to save you guys some time: I do not know when The Fallout will be updated, but yes, it will be completed. I promise. Right now my life is a bit crazy and I haven't had the time and/or state of mind to write, and when I do, there's a story I have to finish first. I'll be surprised if I'm not able to update TF before the holidays, I'll say that (so no worries for those who have taken to writing me Dear Santa messages XD). As far as a date, Faithful Readers know that any date I could give is shit and not to be believed, and so I will not give one.

I will also say that when the next TF update comes, it means the story has been completed. So no more long waits for an update, and you'll get the last chapter within a month or two. It's the last stretch, guys. I'm sorry it has taken me so, soooo long, and thank you for staying with it.

I hope you've all been well!

writing, fallout, awesome!, you're alive!, busybusy!

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