Traveler's Log

May 07, 2010 18:24

"Oh! Did I ever tell you about the time I was a dragon? It was the most amazing thing. There were these clerics, only they weren't really clerics you see, and we had to sneak past them. Only there was this huge dragon in the way and they were all worshiping it and Flint said that we were doomed and-

Hey, wait! Where are you going?"

  1. A Search for Friends
  2. Return from a Maze
  3. Opening the Cube
  4. Do You Hear What I Hear?
  5. Indian Givers
  6. False Sense of Security
  7. A Small Question of the Giant Variety
  8. The Importance of Motives
  9. Being Satisfactory
  10. The Principal of the Matter
  11. An Explosive Discovery
  12. Goodbye, Old Friend
  13. Questioning the Way Home
  14. Catch Me if you Can
  15. A Wake Up Call
  16. Shedding Some Light on the Topic
  17. A Dream of Home
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