Excuse Me While I Kiss This Guy

Jun 21, 2008 11:58

Well, actually it's supposed to be, "Excuse me while I kiss the sky," but it's an often misheard lyric that amuses me. So the other day after work, I'm just sitting around unwinding, getting ready to update a comic. Then one of my friends calls and asks what I'm doing. I say, "nothing really, just drawing." He says, "Well, wanna get dinner? We can fly out somewhere." I say sure. He's a pilot instructor and has his own plane, which is a small Cesna of sorts, I dunno what the model is exactly. So I head over there and we get going. As we're taking off, he says, "Oh yeah, sometimes that door pops open in flight." It doesn't really bother me for some reason, as I no longer fear death. Well, I fear painful death, but yeah. I wouldn't mind dying in my sleep, really.

So we arrive in another town that isn't all that far away, and we go to this pilot restaurant. I kinda feel like I'm in an episode of TaleSpin, or Wings or something. I get a Black and Tan and we split something called the Won Ton Nachos or something to that effect. Essentially, it's fried won ton with asiago cheese and hot peppers. It was quite good, but it was a terrible mistake, as that was a meal on it's own. I also had the pot roast. Not as good as the famous Castlevania Pot Roast, but it refilled my life meter all the same. On the way out, we forget the security code that opens the gate. I knew I shoulda written it down.

Not a whole lot else to say. I spent much of my free time this week making badges for Anthrocon. I decided to try something different and do some hand-made art with some digital type and colouring. Usually I insist on doing everything by hand, but oh well. Gotta try new things. Here's a pic of it:

That background is not digital. It'd be cool if I could replicate that, but I can't.
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