I rode the Iron Wolf 6 times. It was wonderful...

Jun 10, 2008 20:18

So last week, as 
furball2k and I were getting lost, I said as a joke, "Wanna go to Great America?" He said, "Yeah, I kinda do." So we ended up going a week later.

When we arrive, I make sure to remind him that we parked in the Itchy Lot so that we knew where the car was. Once we get in, we hit the Verical Velocity (where I yelled a choice phrase I won't repeat), the Demon, Batman and The Viper. Suddenly, the sky tears itself a new cornholio and it monsoons like a bastard. We get some crappy nachos and a stale pretzel after making fun of the guy in front of us because he was being one of those "difficult" customers and we head over to some shelter, watching everyone leave. After about 20 minutes of just chatting and eating crap and getting fat, we go over to the Pictorium, not caring about what they were showing. It was some video about sea creatures, and Furball was complaining that it may end up being some liberal guilt video, but it wasn't so bad. The opening shot though was of a gibbon or some other type of monkey/ape thing, at which Furball uttered a choice phrase that I won't repeat here either. The video was actually pretty cool, especially the big-ass starfish, which was a meter long.

It was still raining when we left the Pictorium, and I kinda forgot what we did after that. Luckily the storm ended soon after and all the rides opened back up, which is good for us because a ton of people already left and there were no lines. So long story short, we ended up riding the Iron Wolf 6 times, the last of which wasn't even fun anymore and we had a conversation the entire time. We also hit the Viper and the American Eagle about 6 times each, as well as the Superman which finally stopped being broken. Raging Bull and The Dark Knight was only hit once. But I remember the second time we hit the Demon, we were in the back and a kid was sitting in front of us. So in a loud voice whilst channeling Large Marge from Pee Wee's Big Adventure, I decided to tell the true story of how the Demon got stuck upside down for 2 hours 13 years ago on that very day. I made up the part about the day, but it indeed get stuck upside down for 2 hours, which I can't even imagine how awful that'd be. I actually hate that ride and I banged my head on it.

In between all that, we ended up hitting the bumper cars about 6 times. I was the only one cackling the entire time while chasing after people and smashing into them at a blistering speed of 3 mph. God, that was funny. Then we got a funnel cake sundae and 2 Hi-C's which cost $17.80 or something. Good God.

At some point, we ran into Bugs Bunny and Sylvester so we got our picture taken. Bugs gave the thumbs up after Furball told him that we're  furries. Actually, I think he told them we were suiters, which is only half true. For now.

Then we went to Chilli's and negated all the walking we did with bacon cheeseburgers. I also got a drunk, which didn't help that my brain was literally banged around all day. It was also pouring at that time so I screamed like a woman on the way back to the truck. That's why I didn't draw an update, but oh well. I suck.
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