It's a Hell of a Thing, I Tell You what.

Jul 08, 2008 00:30

So much going on, oh my. First of all, Anthrocon was fucking amazing. It was one of the best times I've had in my entire life and I got to meet so many new people that I hope to get to know better in the future. I spent much of the time spotting for someone new to suiting, and I got to try the suit. All I can say is damn, I hope my suit is finished by the next con. It was so much fun I couldn't believe it. Here's a video of me in it:
It was wicked.

And right after I get home from the con, I get poisoned by a rouge peanut, so that kinda sucked. Also, my sister was getting married so there was lots of stuff going. I was in the wedding party, and my tux was crap. The pants were long, the shirt was too big, and the vest/waistcoat was tight. But no biggie, I only had to wear it for a day. It was a beautiful ceremony, and I actually cried at the reception when my dad danced with my sister. I've never seen her so happy in my entire life. I hope to be that happy one day. And then the epic dancing after dinner. I needed a 20 foot radius for my crazy moves. My legs are still sore.

And now I must get to bed because God Damn, I have a shit-ton of work to do, as we have a deadline on wednesday. I have to stay late to layout pages and finish painting the cover tomorrow evening. I once again cannot update my comic, but a lot has been going on. Next week, I'll get that back up. As much as I love it, I don't get paid for it so it takes a back seat.

Oh my, it's raining. Oh well, I like the sound of rain when I'm sleeping. 
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