Alicia's high school has a food fair tomorrow for all the clubs. They had to submit their proposals for what they were going to sell for their fundraising last week. Alicia's new computer club asked to sell pretzel bites (pretzel bytes, which we thought was clever). Guess when they found out it was approved?
Lunchtime today.
Which means I have Alicia and her BFF in my kitchen currently making pretzel bites for a school of 2700 kids. Needless to say, we're not doing that many, but we were running around like madmen trying to get all the ingredients they were going to need.
None of us are very pleased with the organizer for failing to give adequate notice. They wouldn't be nearly as crazed as this if they'd found out even a day ago.
On the plus side, the first batch turned out really good. They're doing
this recipe. I might have to make it again some time in the future.