There are a LOT of things I'm passionate about, and growing up loving those things, I kept coming across a british actor called Tim Curry. Mr. Curry has received a Tony Lifetime Achievement Award at the Tonys. It was his first appearance since the severe stroke he suffered in 2012. Seeing him after so many years, it broke my heart, and since my father too has suffered strokes, it feels a little more personnal.
When I was nine or ten, I came across a movie on TV, luckily before it started so I could record it on the VCR. It was Clue. Being a huge fan of the board game, I couldn't believe they'd made a movie out of it, and soon, my sisters and I knew it by heart. We found it funny that our father looked so much like Colonel Mustard -physically :D
My favorite character was, of course, Wadsworth, the english buttler. God, he was fantastic.
Two years ago, I found an article on the internet assessing the Cult status of the movie, and I was thrilled. I showed the movie to my kids, who loved it immediatly. We can now act huge chunks of the film together. My kids actually filmed themselves doing it, they fought to decide who would play Wadsworth. :D
But back when I was ten, I didn't know much about the english buttler. I was eleven when I read IT, by Stephen King (I know, I was young, what can I say? My father used to put Poltergeist on TV when we were little, for him it was a family movie :D). Discovering there was an IT four hours film being presented was like Christmas coming early. Even at that age, I could tell that the movie was bad, but Pennywise terrified me.
Which I'm guessing I wasn't the only one of my generation to be traumatized by that damn clown. I was an horror movie amateur enough at twelve to wonder why Pennywise looked vaguely familiar and to look it up. It was my dear Wadsworth, Tim Curry, as fantastic -in a creepy way- as in Clue. They're talking about making a remake of IT, but if they think they can find anyone to rise up to Tim Curry's portrayal of the alien Clown, well, it's a battle they've already lost.
And then, I became a moody rebelious teenager and my best friend and I, we were aiming to watch the most obscur/unusual/underground cult movies, as many as we could find. We came across the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I saw this.
I looked, squinting my eyes, wondering... Already humming Sweet Transvestite... And then I screamed, because I didn't knew it yet, but I was already a fangirl in becoming(thanks to my dad, first generation Trekkie) and I had just recognized a young, sexy -in a strange kind of way- Tim Curry.
Of course, my friend and I watched and sang and rewatched and sang again the Rocky Horror picture Show, dreaming we would travel to the states to asssit to one of those midnight movie presentation dressed as our favorite characters.
So, in a funny kind of way, Tim Curry has been present during my upbringing, each time I discovered a new passion:cult movies, murder and mystery, Stephen King and his whole bibliography, horror in general.. It's still a huge part of who I am, my love for it is why I decided to check that Supernatural show in the first place.
So, Mr. Curry, thank you, thank you so much. That lifetime achievement award is more than deserved.
*bows down*