My Life... Interrupted or Something.

Nov 13, 2008 01:59

I should be happy that my birthday is on Sunday. KEYWORD: HAPPY. But for some odd reason, I'm not that thrilled for it. It's not because I'm turning 25. I already got over that already. I think I haven't done shit for a year that bettered my life. Just the same grind. Now I'm only 5 years from being.... *shiver* 30, I have to get myself together, especially I want a kid before then. I want a boy if I ever have kids  because I mostly grew up in all-female household (the only male influence I had in my life were my late maternal uncles who are in a better place now). But if I do get a girl, her name would be Maaya after Maaya Sakamoto. The name is pretty nice since it means "true thread" like a thread of fate.

Hey, at least she won't be named after a soap opera character like I was. LOL.

So, I'm getting prepared for my pretty busy weekend. Friday, I'm meeting up with friends, then Saturday, I'm going to see Equus and a dinner with more friends (I'm kinda disappointed that the rest of my college friends schedule a birthday for me and two other friends on the same damn night. ;_; so I can't go because I can't miss the play). Finally on Sunday, my actually birthday, I will spend it with family. I'm hoping I can get a Baskin Robbins cake, but I know the dinner will be delicious salmon. Yum! That is a must!

I already got presents in a form of shoes and clothes from my mother and aunt. Chances are I will get money from family and friends so I can get Christmas presents this year. I already have $140 saved up. I'm only buying for six people this year. Poor chick is poor, sorta.

Speaking of money. I must hustle money from friends and sister which comes up to $400 that people owe me. ಠ_ಠ I'm way too kind, seriously.

Also, I need to stop buying doujinshi. It's like crack, especially a book whore like me. I almost spent $60 on doujinshi just now nearly forgetting that I have a $120 worth of doujinshi anthologies and $60 worth of single doujinshi coming my way.

Yeah, I actually have to set up my doujinshi sale so I can buy them. Vicious circle is vicious. I have to see what I should sell after I get my shipment of doujinshi what I should sell (I already selling around 9 of them). And I'm still selling my ImagineFX and some of my KERA magazines. Urk, might as well get going tomorrow. I wonder if my aunt would let me use her DVD burner because the one I have with me is shit. And I have to buy some bubble envelopes and CD covers. I'm hoping I have everything ready then.

Because I think my computer is going on the fritz (it has problem getting to Windows every other time I turn it on). I want to get this shit done before I sent it in mid-December so I can get it back before the whole Christmas hoopla. That means backup in shit. Luckily I have little stuff on here because I couldn't be arsed to put everything back in.

I got my new RAZR. It's a very sexy, very crimson color. I love it more than the golden one I had. To be honest, I'm still upset over that I lost my gold RAZR if only because it was a special edition one, I think it was, and my 6927 phone strap ;_;. I'm so contradictory.

Also, Susumu Hirasawa is the shit. That is all. I've been listening to his music for the past 2 hours. I would kill for a mp3 of this though. ;_; I don't think he put on a record because it this a fucking awesome rendition of Forces.  I have so many songs of his thanks to my sister who's a Hirasawa nut like me, which I plan to buy them legit one day because he's that awesome although on his website he gives songs for free, like the OP for Paprika to speak out against the Iraq War.

doujin discussion, life issues, music

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