Happy Halloween~!

Oct 31, 2008 23:07

In "Oh my god, I'm such a doofus" news.


Okay,  I still have the charm but the strap to it is gone so it's pretty much useless. *sigh* Maybe when I go to a con next year, I'll re-buy it then or someone who is selling it... but my baby is gone. Luckily, my mother has insurance on it and it will be up soon (it was my 24th Birthday gift after suffering with my old hoopty phone longer than I had to).

But back to the convenience part. Cell phone are convenient although I have REALLY shitty phone etiquette because I 'm more a face-to-face person. I finally left house and nieghborhood the first time in 3 weeks and I was so happy walking around Manhattan~♥! The anthologies I'm planning to get for my birthday has been ordered and all I have to do is wait until November 14 (can't read all of them on my actual birthday due to a religious pact I made for myself: No porn on Sunday). Then the next day, I'll be going to see Equus with a close friend and her best friend. And I will hustle the money they owe me so I won't have to cry that I spent 80 bucks on anthologies and it's towards the Christmas present money or rent, whichever comes first. LOL.

I had to go to Sephora and Old Navy for my mom, who is in a cast as I said in my last entry. Then went to Times Square to Asahiya for the ordering then Kinokuniya for buying manga. Then I went to Yoshinoya's. Food's still shitty but I had a beef craving and the best beef bowl I ever tasted in Rockefeller Center  was too far from where I was at and I wanted to get home before it gets too dark. On Halloween, a street gang called the Bloods do their initiation rites by slashing people on the throat or face. My old high school always had a half-day to avoid that from happening. Honestly, I don't think they really do that anymore since gang activity went down and that I live in their enemy's, the Crips, central territory.

I actually got candy from the corner store who were giving out candy for the kids. I had to laugh at that because the last time I went trick-or-treating was 6-7 before the neighborhood I lived in got hit hard by the crack epidemic and went to shit.

But, ugh, chocolate Laffy Taffy and Babe Ruth are blegh. Vanilla Tootsie rolls are extremely yummy.

Bah, I'm bushed.


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