More Rambling about Doujinshi, I Suppose.

Oct 26, 2008 00:34

It's gone, thank God, it's GONE. I have be so happy for the last couple of days that my period is gone, I was beside myself. Plus I've been sleeping comfortably. I tend to sleep on my belly (a habit I strangely picked up when I was like 14-15) and I'm totally unable to do that on the rag.

I haven't went outside my neighborhood just yet. I had Family Laundry Day Wednesday and lazed around Thursday. Friday, after my mother went to her weekly physical therapy with her doctor for her torn Achilles' tendon and became back with a cast. I was like "Fuck...." meaning, I really have to serve her hand and foot for the next six weeks. Ugh, I hope she goes easy on me. And it means I will be doing all the house chores and run errands. Well, it can't be helped, just hope she let me go on my pace... aw, screw it. She's a net freak, impossible to do. ;_; but it wasn't bad today and I have to make a run for her in Manhattan tomorrow (which I will stop by Kinokuniya, yay!).

So I've been watching the World Series between the Tampa Bay Rays and Philadelphia Phillies and whoa, it's a really good match. I'm rooting for the Rays since they beat the Boston Red Sox (as a Yankee fan, I really can't stand some of their fans especially after they broke the "Bambino Curse" which was the ill-fated trade of Babe Ruth to the Yankees) and they are the AL Champions. The games are split 1-1 and I'm hoping that the Rays take it home, those guys deserved it.

I'm kinda excited that my b-day is in 3 weeks. I can't wait for the anthologies I'm gonna order. I'm SOOOOOO glad that didn't buy that 6927 Kaitaitou anthology I was obsessing about in my last entry! It was a reprint that I had 80% of the material already! I'm glad my cheap ass trying to see if I can find it cheaper and found a site that listed the contents. But I was a little upset since I wanted the original material in it though. It was like Japan felt my sorrow and released a second Condor anthology yesterday. You don't know the "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"ing I did when I  found out. And it looks like I have to sell my "Agemashouka?" copy since the anthology has it in it. Man, it's a nice doujin too, the paper is sorta has a vellum feel to it.

Ugh, I have to do that like soon. Fuck, but I need time to do it and my mother's home more than ever and I couldn't exactly make the treks to post office either. Dammit it being like 12-13 blocks away and long ones too. I still don't know what international service would be best in NYC. Ugh. I might as well offer UPS First Class Mail.

And on top of getting 8 anthologies for my b-day (2 of them my friend will buy for me), I spent like 80 bucks on doujinshi in the last three-four weeks. ;_; Need to stop spending! Need to stop spending! Christmas is like 2 months away and I have to save like 2/3 of my birthday money for it. Yes, I spend my b-day money on Christmas gifts. But one doujinshi was Maid!Tsuna and the other is motherfucking WRONG DIRECTION, the one was sobbing over because it had a damn sexy scene with 5927 in the bathtub.

Also, when I was surfing K-Books website, I discovered that there are Reborn doujinshi with.... futanaris, a 1827 one in fact. Then I was reading kurot 's journal and she linked to one, this time with 8027. Why god, why? *cries* But I found some doujinshi with yuri but it's genderswitched... come on, Japan, there HAS to be someone who would do K96 or even K86, something! I would do a K96 doujinshi myself, but my art is less than pleasing since I'm SO out-of-practice.

Ugh, the Rays lost tonight and I'm kinda pissed now. I need to read the 8051 doujinshi I got in the mail today. Yay!

baseball stuff, doujin discussion, life issues

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