I'm Such a Chicken.....

Oct 22, 2008 04:08

I spooked myself stupid and now I can't sleep. ;_; I thought someone was in the house since I went outside like a few minutes ago to take out the trash. But I'm 90% sure I locked the door.

My mother deemed me well enough so we're doing Family Laundry Day later on today. And since she's injured, I'll be doing most of the work. God, I hate the laundromat. Why don't we have a personal washer and dryer? I would even pay for the water bill and everything. *sob*

I'm still spazzing out over this Kaitaitou Reborn doujinshi I want so bad on ebay. I was surfing on Tora no Ana and saw the sample pages and went FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. I'm SO buy it now. 41 smackers be damned (granted it's 172 pages so I'm not gonna cry too much about it). But I hafta wait until Friday to see what doujin anthologies that Fusion Product will come out this month. I already have six anthologies on my list for my personal b-day gift. Yes, I'm that self-centered enough to give myself a birthday gift. LOL.

I just will hustle my close friend and her best friend for the money they owe me for the Equus play were seeing next month on Broadway. I had to order the tickets like 3-4 months ahead of time.

Yes, we're going to see Harry Potter's wand, if you know what I mean. *wiggle eyebrows*

Today was a splendid day. I finally got out of the house and off the block the first time in ages, but I didn't travel that far, just went to the bank to pay my rent and brought dinner for my mother and me.

And I finally got my package of 8018 Reborn doujinshi that took a grand total of three months to get here. I was planning to read them in the morning... meh, still can since my mother is only allowed outside from 1-5 PM everyday, doctor's orders.

Also, I saw that new show, Fringe, on FOX after House. I couldn't stomach tonight episode. People exploding from overheating from radiation. Ugh. I don't think I can handle gore like that anymore..... unless it's Berserk.

life events, doujin discussion, life issues, tv stuff

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