(no subject)

Oct 21, 2008 00:50

Urk, I haven't update this bitch since FOREVER and since I was 1) bored and 2) stuck in the house, I might as well update what's going on, right?

WARNING: POTENTIAL GROSS OUT ALERT, scroll down to the next heading spare yourself if you want!

Lately, I haven't been all that well. You see, I have a genetic condition that really fucks up my hormones. It's usually doesn't do anything but it kicks in when I'm under a lot of stress, poor diet and weight gain. And the end result, I don't get my monthly period. The bad thing is... I didn't have it in 23 months. I noticed that not having was really starting to push up the weight since I was having trouble losing any so I went to the OBGYN to fix this problem. So after some papers and shit because I had to renew my free health care and stuff, I went, they gave me medicine and I obediently taken it.

Five days later, it was hell on Earth, seriously. The first two days weren't bad, but when the third day hit, it is... ugh. I was house bound for the next 8 days and IT SUCKED hardcore. I could've worked on stuff but the problem pretty much fucked that over since I had to fight not getting anemia (yes, I was losing that much blood) and I was a mess mentally (couldn't focus for shit, making it impossible to seriously plan out anything) and physically (too tired to do anything). Today is the 12th Day (yes, it's still going) and things are a lot better and I estimate it'll finally fucking end on Wednesday. I want to leave the fucking house tomorrow and just roam free, dammit.

This is a major wake up call to take care of myself better. I tend to push my body beyond its limits at times. I'm trying to adopt better sleeping habits but being a natural nightowl kinda fuck over that plan, so I'm trying to get a least 6 hours of straight sleep and a 2 hour nap everyday until I can elevate to 7 hours and no naps (eight hours is totally out of the question because I get headaches and feel like I slept for three hours if I sleep that long).


So, I have been and done a lot of things since I last posted. First, on one of my close friends' brithday, we went to this really delicious Japanese restaurant called Kyotofu (a word play of Kyoto and tofu) on Ninth Avenue between 48th and 49th in Manhattan. If you living or visiting the NYC area, you should check this place out..

I had for my main meal is Kurobuta (Black Pig) Puffs. They. are. delicious. It came with lotus root stuff (which I hated, sorry friend but the shit's not for me). The sausage was SOOOOOOOOO good. It was light and flaky, and I managed to eat only one and 1/5 of it somehow.  Friends. I would get this agaaaain....

For dessert, I got Summer Sweet Corn Tofu Cheesecake. The thing managed to be sweeter than regular cheesecake for some reason. It was fine (it's much better with the black sesame streusel  along with it. The sad thing is, I barely finish more than half of it. It was hard to give it to my friends. I hate wasting food. >: It looks like I caught some that one of my friends had but for the life of me, I can't remember... LOL. That fruit (the red thing) was delicious tart and no, it isn't a raspberry.

That day we went to the Altar Boyz, an off Broadway play. It was pretty entertaining, heartwarming and funny. And I was THISCLOSE of shipping Matthew/Mark (Mark has a hidden crush on Matthew and he being 'obvious gay' was part of the joke in the play). Think N'SYNC but goofy spoof of Christianity! It's was pretty close to Kyotofu at the World Stage Theater on 50th Street. After that we stopped by the Village to go karaoke. I made sure that we didn't end the night with this song. I'm not making this up.

A few weeks later, me and my friends went to NY Anime Festival. Personally, I was pretty bored and I went only on Saturday. The dealer room was pretty much a bust. There was one dealer who had a really good selection of Reborn doujinshi, but the cheapest he was selling was twenty dollars and these were the 16 page ones too. Ugh, no. I gotten totally spoiled by this one dealer at Otakon last year who had a really fucking good selection of D.Gray-man at sweet prices ($8, $10, $15 depending on the title). Maybe when I go to Otakon next year... But I'm not going to NYAF again unless it has something big going on like TM Revolution or something.

But the only place that I really enjoyed that day was the Cosplay Contest. Before the contest, there was a mini concert by Rie Tanaka, in this really cracked out outfit. Unfortunately she had to use Gundam SEED visuals. Ugh. But I kinda felt sorry for her since the crowd wasn't really warming up to her. The actual contest itself was pretty boring for the most part. Too much dancing although some costume were outstanding like xxxHolic ones. One had a bitching remix of Cirque du Soliel's Alegria (a song that like always be fondly remembered by me because I got my first dance solo with that song). The best ones of the night was the Kingdom Heart with Anti-Sora and Roxas, and the best one of the night, this utterly hilarious Code Geass one and it had Lelouch speaking in a posh British accent! That had me in stitches.

However the best one wasn't even in the contest offically. Since at NYAF, they pick the USA team for the World Cosplay Summit in Japan, they had invited the Osaka Team this year who did this utterly beautiful Code Geass SuzaLulu skit. It had be squeeing on the inside (dammit, people I'm almost 25 years old!). I search hard for a vid at the NYAF, but the video feed was shit, so I had to settle for a vid at the World Cosplay Summit itself. It's still kinda shitty, but it's the best I got.

Well, those were the biggest thing that happened to me recently. Now, I'm planning to leave the house tomorrow although that's really up in the air. My mother tore her Achilles' heel at work and I've been her maid until Bloody October happened. I really want to leave the house but I need to look for a job. I'm think of taking a part time job for the holidays in the meanwhile. January is coming soon and it's the best time now to look for a data entry job and hopefully go to school next semester while I set up for graduate school for illustration.

While I'm planning for the rest of my not too distant future, I'm can't wait for next week to order some Reborn anthologies~♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥! So far, I'm planning to get a 5927, 6927, 2 TYL, Tsuna-uke, 3827 (Spanner/Tsuna) anthologies. I'm sorely tempted to buy a Hibari-uke one but I want one with a good amount of 8018, at least one Ryo18 entry and low on 6918 (sorry, fans of the pairings if I offended you). It's kinda hard to find one that isn't completely dominated by D18, as much I adore that pairing. But I 've been on a 8018 kick lately and it's sad that I'm having trouble finding to a scratch to that itch. It kinda sucks this pairing isn't as popular as it used to be....

But I'm really shock that anthology companies are coming out with 3827 anthologies! I'm like, "Oh fucking yeah I'm buying one but where in the hell is my 10051 anthologies, Japan. Or at least at least a Shouichi-uke one would be nice or something *sob*" LOL, I'm so addicted to Reborn doujinshi.  Recently I brought a 8051 doujinshi. Yes, Yamamoto/Shouichi one. They fit in my wacky mind of mine, crack pairing be damned. I would SO love to write a fanfiction about them if I can fail less in writing. *sigh*. Another one is a 692718 one with Girl!Tsuna. That frustrated me because it only made me want more. The one I brought, cara,  by Ichiha (Alles)  had the girl!Tsuna just how I imagined her: short, mousy with messy hair, a little on the flat chest side and so, so terribly adorable and acts like her male self. In the doujinshi, Mukuro and Hibari were fighting for what she would wear at the wedding (despite they're 15 and she's 14 and can't marry) and which one she will choose. Of course, it ends with her unable to choose and Mukuro and Hibari destroying her room. LOL. The second part wasn't as interesting and was about Hibari's extremely jealous streak. I hate I'm such a victim to Rule 63....

Anyway, I wanted to talk more about the fall anime and my sudden addiction to the gloriousness that is Axis Power Hetalia. Damn, I wish this series existed back when I was in high school in Global Studies for my freshman and sophomore year. But I already written lot a lot of shit.

Until next time, I guess.

life events, doujin discussion, life issues

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