It Sucks Being Sick, Seriously...

Aug 26, 2008 14:56

Right now, I'm in my oven of a room, trying to sweat out a flu that my mother (who swear it wasn't her fault) had. It's like the first time this year I got sick (not counting those splitting stress headaches). I came down with it yesterday with a sore throat in the morning that wouldn't go away (number one indicator that I'm about to have the flu), by late afternoon, I was in throes of a fever, body aches and headache. It was bad overnight. But, thanks to my tendency to drug myself up, I'm mostly okay now, just have body aches, lightheadness and a stuffy nose. :D Luckily, I recover from these things fast, I should be okay by tomorrow if I take it easy today. But it was hell walking to the corner store though, I wanted to pass out so bad, and the walk is only a half a block, how pathetic.

I have a digital camera now so I'll do the doujin sale tomorrow or Friday (Thursday, I'll be busy with a doctor's appointment and my mom's birthday [where she's just getting money again]).

Also, I have been Olympic crazy the last few weeks until Sunday. I literally lived on the Olympics for those 16 days. LOL. It was a fun ride.

Well, I'm going to lay down and hopefully catch a nap. Trying to fight this thing because I hate being sick.

life issues, tv stuff

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