done is good?

Oct 08, 2007 10:35

Am I allowed to make a done is good list for making it to fall break?

I just took my second big physics exam. I think I did reasonably well on it. It was an hour long exam, and I started at 9:32. I started getting really scared at 10:25 when I'd only done 5 of the 6 problems, but the last problem didn't take too long and I finished at 10:32 exactly. No time to check my work, but at least I finished.
This week is busy, but at least I only have one actual midterm, and it's not due until the week after fall break.
And, I remembered to pay my credit card bill on time this month!

Now for the actual list of what has to be done this week:
-physics exam 2 (due 11:00 AM Monday)
-physics homework 6 (due 5:00 PM Friday)
-read chapter 7 of Physics (for class on MWF)
-(re)read Republic of Plato for History of Philosophy (for class on Tuesday and Thursday)
-read Reading Public Opinion for Sociology (for class on Thursday)
-read chapter 6 from Perception for Philosophy of Perception (for class on Wednesday)
-write 2 page response paper on Reading Public Opinion (due 2:30 PM on Thursday)
-write 3-5 page paper on naive realism for Philosophy of Perception (due Friday)
-write 5-6 page paper on Thoreau and Socrates for History of Philosophy (due 1:00 PM on Thursday)


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