Oct 11, 2007 02:18
I've finished the reflection paper that's due Thursday (after skimming most of the book it was supposed to be written on), and I've done everything I can figure out for my physics homework due Friday.
That leaves me with two papers to write before I'm free.
Here's the plan:
It's 2:30 now, and I'm going to get a good night's rest so I can actually function over the next couple days.
I have about an hour between work and class tomorrow morning. I'll spend that hour reading about perception and planning what I want to write for my perception paper. I get out of class at four. I'll go straight to my physics prof's office hours to get help finishing this week's homework. Then I'll come straight home and start writing my perception paper.
I really want to go to the SPT party, but we'll just have to see. If I've finished at least one page of the perception paper by 9:00, then I'll let myself go to the party for one hour. I hope to be done with the perception paper by 2:00 AM, and I'll go straight to planning my history of philosophy paper. I want to have a rough draft done by 4:00 AM. Then I have all Friday after I get out of class at noon to write the history of philosophy paper, taking a 2 hour break for rugby practice. The paper's not due till midnight, but I hope to be done by 11:00 at the latest so I can be well rested for the game on Saturday.
I really shouldn't have let things get this bad. I'm very stressed, and I know it's all my own fault. I know things will probably work out ok, they always do, but right now I just want it to be Saturday.