I feel like writing, but I cannot focus, so you guys can help! Under the cut, I have a list of themes that you can chose a character/pairing for and I'll attempt to write you at least 100 words.
1. Looking forward while moving backwards.
2. Running up the tracks for a head on collision.
3. Your heaving chest.
4. This scar I carry proudly.
5. Way of the wise.
6. You are everything I--.
7. Blessed is the blind, pity is the fool.
8. Alone in a crowd one night.
9. Beyond your reach.
10. Strangers and candies.
11. Suck it in and cough it out.
12. Too much blood in my caffeine system.
The rope to the ivory tower.(Avatar; Mai/Zuko)
14. Remembering blue flowers.
15. Of handsome tips.
Running late for an appointment with Death.(Clover; Gingetsu/Ran)
17. Paper-thin smile.
18. Word chains.
19. Crossing swords.
20. Felony is a gift to men who have everything to lose.
21. Asskissing not required but appreciated.
22. One point shy of winning.
23. Heroes have it easy.
24. Three ways to Sunday.
25. Nine in the afternoon.
26. Shut up, I’ve had a harrowing day.
27. Willingly walking into a wall.
28. Again and again and again.
Takes one to know one.(Avatar; Katara/Toph)
30. Pitching at birds.
31. When in doubt, blame someone else.