Odds and Ends

Jun 05, 2006 14:00

Hello all,

As I mentioned in my last post (which was about a month ago now I realized) I'm in the 'burg doing research this summer. Today is the beginning of week two. Things are going pretty well. Even between research and working at the Candy Counter I feel like I still have a lot of free time. That might change as we start doing more projects in the lab, but for now things are pretty chill.

My main reason for posting is I've started thinking about the GRE's. I figure I should go ahead and take them (even if I don't plan to Grad school for next year) so the information will be fresher than if I waited a couple of years. So that leads me to trying to get a study book. Any suggestions? I looked at our library and we have an online reference (Nova?) and one paper copy of something in the Reference section (but it was not on the shelf when I looked). I know the names Kaplan, Princeton Review, and Barrons. I wandered over to a couple of bookstores today and saw one by Arco and another by ERA and a couple of others. All of the books seemed to be excited about CAT tests where you take a test on the computer and the program adjusts to your level of questions and apparently takes less time than doing a full test. I guess that's cool. I do want a book though that I can take outside, etc and work on.

So... any information about GREs, resources for studying for GREs, etc. would be very helpful. Also, I hate standardized tests. I felt sort of stupid walking into one of the bookstores and staring at the "Study Tools" shelf trying to figure out the difference between the GMAT and GRE. I'm good now though. I was also intrigued that all the LSAT books advertised themselves as "logic puzzles" etc which sounds a whole lot more exciting than vocab and reading comprehension. I also didn't know there were subject tests for the GREs. Do most grad schools want subject tests for the GREs in addition to the normal one? (Can you tell I haven't done my research on any of this?)

One more random test related thing. I was filling out the Peace Corps application online the other day (the easy parts) and it asked if you were doing a masters program in conjunction with the Peace Corps. I hadn't known that was an option. I looked at some of the stuff briefly and noticed that John's Hopkins has a Public Health Master's program which looked intriguing. It would be really awesome if I could just apply to the Peace Corps and check those nice little boxes and they'd give me a Masters but I'm pretty sure that I would need to apply to the individual schools. *sigh*

On a more fun and exciting note: Owen came to visit this weekend and that was a lot of fun. Watson and Christina are coming up (or down or across or something) today and tomorrow respectively for Steph's birthday (which is on Tuesday) which is also very exciting.

I'm also realizing that going to the gym is much more fun when you have company. I think between two people one person always wants to go and can motivate the other. Since we've been back on campus I've only been over to the Rec Center (which is actually moved into The Hall) once. I may try and motivate myself to go running today because it's pretty cool out/ sprinkling. Maybe I just need to get myself into a routine and it will be better. If you are on campus and want to be my gym buddy though, please let me know.

Ok, that's really all now.

Happy Monday Everyone.
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