More on testing and life beyond undergrad

Jun 08, 2006 15:34

So, I've started looking more at the Peace Corps Masters programs combo deals. Big names on the list include Hopkins, Boston University, Emory, and Tulane. Looking more carefully at the programs though, I like some of the random schools better... like University of Southern Floridaand University of Alabama (Birmingham). Emory's program looked pretty interesting too. I've requested catalogues for some of the schools (yay for mail) although I think a lot of the information is online at this point.

I'm going to go to the Williamsburg Public Library and pick up some GRE books this afternoon. (Not looking forward to that. Also, I totally hadn't realized that the GREs are computerized).

In more fun and exciting news... Steph's birthday was lots of fun. (The picture is from hanging out in our room after going to the Leafe for dinner/ pint night.) Also went wine tasting at Williamsburg Winery yesterday which was pretty cool. I'm definitely not a wine connoisseur but some were tasty (I liked a sweet white wine and this delicious raspberry dessert wine).

I start a new project in the lab tomorrow which should be exciting. I feel like a slacker because the most I've been at the lab on any given day is 2 hours.

In other areas I feel slightly productive. I've been crossing things off a To Do list I've had since during exam time - calling people I needed to talk to, writing to people with whom I needed to get in touch. Also I got my new cell phone battery in the mail today. It seems to be working well (we'll see how well it stands up to a long phone call/ how often I need to charge it - I got it from Amazon for like $11 when it usually sells for $60 but they say it's new not refurbished).

That's it for now.
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