So my plans for this summer have been switched around a bit and are
still not solid, but as of now the plan includes:
Finished with exams on Monday May 8
Leaving for Charottesville Thursday May 11
Returning to Williamsburg sometime around May 28-30
Psych Research on campus May 30- August 4
Sometime mid to late June I plan on being back up in NYC to help my
Mom move wherever she decides to move (that is still up in the air).
She is supposed to move out by June 30.
There's a while between the end of research (August 4) and the
beginning of classes/ move-in (August 30) so I'm not sure where I'll
be or what I'll be doing then but I may come up to visit in NYC if I
can manage it (and my Mom doesn't put dibs on my time).
I won't be that busy with research/ work while I'm here over the
summer so if you can, come down and visit! (I'll even have AC in my
dorm, gasp!)
That's about all I know right now. I hope everyone else is surviving
finals and such. Just one more to go for me, so it's really the last
push. Wish me luck.