It's true, that is what he hires me for

Aug 16, 2008 00:42

While discussing a passive aggressive review of The Brothers Bloom full of back-handed compliments, which Rian seemed to really find pleasing.

Me: Maybe I just don't understand critics or film (since you really seem pleased with that review), but good god damn if someone said that about my movie I'd have a hard time not punching him in the face.

Rian: Really? I found it, on the whole, to be very encouraging. I do have some strong opinions about some of Mike's opinions, and I could respond at length, but I don't think it's altogether healthy (or classy) for artists to respond to responses to their work with anything but a nod, smile and "thank you." At least not externally.

Me: That's why you're much classier than I am.

Rian: And that's why I hire you to punch people for me.

brothers bloom, rian johnson, brick

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