I spent a week at home in the Czech Republic. It snowed and even though it melted instantly, it was still nice that I got to see first snow already. Half of the country is experiences a snow-calamity, however - in some areas, they already have like 100 cm of snow. Way to go, winter!
We were at my granny's last weekend. Luckily, it seems that she's on her way to recovery. She fell off her bike at the beginning of autumn and broke a bone in her hip. She can already walk with crutches now.
I skated both days while we were at my granny's, then once again in my Czech hometown. Once again, I'm at the point where I get very frustrated with the lack of progress. I've noticed that the take offs and landings when I jump are far from as smooth as I'd like them to be - maybe it was the ice (unlikely), but my blade often leaves a nasty, fairly deep trace in the ice when I take off/land. I really really want a coach.
I didn't do much while I was at home - I read a lot lot, wrote some, watched anime and some movies, and wandered through town despite the nasty weather.
We got back a while after noon today. I'm in the process of catching up on everything. (i.e. mainly figure skating) I've just finished watching the Men's SP from Trophée Eric Bompard. Adam Rippon looks so much more grown up - it's probably a combination of the new haircut and the positive influence of his coaching change. That 3Lz in his SP, with BOTH ARMS OVERHEAD (!) is my new favorite thing - it's so pretty and so difficult!
I'm not very impressed with Nobunari Oda's SP. Imho, his skating has lost the lightness it once used to have. But his performance was solid, I've got to give him that. My favorite thing? The crazy fan in the audience bellowing ODA-SAAAAN! while Oda was waiting for his scores. Morozov is still CREEPY.
I'm equally unimpressed with Sergei Voronov, though his opening 3-3 combo was lovely. I felt like his choreo was a bit too frantic for the music, esp. during some of the steps.
Well, I already commented on Adam Rippon. His crossovers still bother me (ugh!) and I definitely preferred him in onesies and more vivid colors, but his skating is getting more and more refined and that makes me happy. <3 Also, could he have defeated the 3A curse under Brian Orser's tutelage? Oh and his spins looked crazy fast!
I can't wait to see JWe's new programs now, because the more I see of Diva David Wilson's choreography, the more I like it - I've always loved it in Yu-Na's programs, and Adam's new choreo looks exquisite so far as well. It's going to be so interesting to compare Adam's and Johnny's programs this season. When Adam was working with Morozov, he kind of always reminded me of Daisuke (who also worked with Morozov) - I wonder if there'll be some reminiscence between Adam and Johnny now that they share a choreographer.
I saw the standings before I'd seen the programs and I had been all what on Earth did Brian Joubert do to be 6th after the SP?! Well, turns out he didn't mess up as badly as I thought he'd messed up - he just didn't skate clean, and many others did. It's as easy as that. And it kind of fills me with glee, because I always prefer a clean performance - even if it doesn't contain a quad - to an unclean one. I think it's mainly Joubert's head that's messing with him.
Alrighty, Tomas Verner. That costume suits him so well - I love the shirt, but I'm not a fan of the pants. The shirt though is perfect; he looks very slender in it. I'm not sure what his program is supposed to embody - I thought it was sailor when I first saw the costume, but the music doesn't fit that; is it supposed to be a gypsy theme? His 4T-3T was pretty, though I was a bit afraid he was going to crash into the boards. He's never going to be quite my type of skater, but he's fun to watch, and he's milking the goofy boy thing for all it's worth.
I also just saw the final results of the Men. All I'm gonna say is that this season could be really, really interesting. :D
Talking about TEB - wasn't Sasha Cohen supposed to show up? Did she chicken out?
I'll watch ladies next.