At long last, I'm getting a chance to post some pictures. First, here are the pictures of the bathroom renovations. You'll note that sometimes in the captions I say things like "we installed...." Note that any time I say "we" did something, it means "we" wrote the check to the contractor so that THEY would do the hard work. We did nothing
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For Shabbos, we had beckyfeld, osewalrus, Aaron, Eleanor & John (Becky's non-LJ-enabled parents), psu_jedi, caryabend, cleobatya, and her non-LJ-enabled friend Anna. We had a lovely meal and good company. I'd never met Anna before, but she was delightful and every bit as sweet as Batya described her. I served:
Mushroom Barley Soup with Kielbasa (this was a major yum!)
Yesterday, Danny came to deal with some plumbing issues. He removed a radiator in the basement which was too close to the wall for us to be able to rip out the icky-faux-brick paneling and put drywall up. So he pulled it out (easier said than done) and will put it back together if possible after we're done with whatever we're doing down there.
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Last week I ordered a braided rug from LL Bean for the sunroom. The sunroom has tile in it and Julian spends a lot of time playing out there. I would prefer if he had a slightly softer (and warmer!) surface to stumble on. Plus the room just looks... I don't know how to put it. But something about it just isn't quite right without the rug
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If you've already stumbled on these pictures on my .mac account, then you've already seen them. For those of you who haven't, let's ( take a little tour )
After Shabbos, I cleaned the downstairs "kitchen" and emptied out a few boxes that have been sitting around since we moved in. Mostly things we don't need. The rest of it I moved into more out-of-the-way storage
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I feel the need to update, though frankly I don't really have the time, and I don't even have anything in particular I wanted to say, but I always think that, but come up with plenty of random tidbits eventually, right? So we'll see.( Read more... )