I feel the need to update, though frankly I don't really have the time, and I don't even have anything in particular I wanted to say, but I always think that, but come up with plenty of random tidbits eventually, right? So we'll see.
- I've got new pictures of Julian up. Does anyone know if there's a way that I can make a 1st page with my .mac account so that I can have a page that lists the albums, rather than having to link directly to an album? I know this must be possible, but I'm a moron, and I haven't had the time to really go and try to figure it out.
- I want a new sheitel, but I'm also cheap and lazy, so I think it won't happen for a while.
- Seth and I went to Home Depot last night. That was our "date" for the week. Or maybe for the month. We haven't been on a date in a while now that I think about it. We got a babysitter and everything.
- We bought peel-n-stick tile for the TV room and office in the basement. I'll try and get that done next week.
- We bought wallpaper for the kitchen. I want nothing to do with hanging it. I hereby nominate sethcohen to do it, since he's, um, fuzzy, and um, tall. Right. Those are fine reasons. :-D
- We got some new keys made and also bought a cipher-lock spare key holder-thingy. This will help prevent me from locking myself out of the house, which I'm prone to doing. This will also help us with regard to carrying keys on shabbos if the eruv is down. Now we won't have to figure it out. Not that there's usually anything to figure out since it's rare that I make it to shul.
- We bought, um, I can't remember what else. Anyway, we almost bought a new kitchen sink, which I really, really, really want and I'm sort of sorry we didn't get it. :(
- The air conditioning guy came today to lay out exactly what will be done and when and it looks like he can do all the interior installation starting next week and expects it to take a week and a half. Pretty impressive. So I'm looking forward to having central air.
- So what I'm wondering is whether it makes sense to take out the radiators. Taking them out will be a big pain and leave a big mess. We won't need the radiators since we'll have a heat pump. But I'm not seriously keen on messes we don't need. On the other hand, a couple of the radiators are in places where it would be nice to be able to put furniture. So I'm wondering if it's really feasible to remove a radiator or two. Have any of you ever done it?
- Julian has started a queer thing... every night (with rare exception) for the last couple of weeks, has thrown up his supper. Only his supper. Never his breakfast, snack, lunch, or snack. Just supper. And it doesn't matter how much he eats, or how fast he eats it, or when we give it to him, or what he eats, or whether he's had anything to drink, or how tired he is, or anything. There is no rhyme or reason to it. We generally feed him breakfast and supper. His nanny feeds him lunch. He never does it to the nanny and never does it for breakfast. And even on the weekend when we feed him all his meals, there is no vomiting. He doesn't seem to be choking (and if he was that would be odd, since it happens EVERY night no matter what we feed him). It happened one night when ALL I gave him was applesauce and milk. It happened last night when he'd had eggs and crackers. I called Ellen to ask her advice (she's been a doctor for 20-odd years and has five kids, so she's sort of like an expert), and she was stumped. She thought it was very odd. He's not gagging himself...he's not sticking his fingers down his throat or anything. And the fact that it's ONLY supper (which is NOT the only meal we feed him ourselves), is really weird. But it happens every night. Ellen said since he's growing and eating otherwise he's probably fine, but it's worth checking with his pediatrician. He's got an appointment on the 14th, so I'l call them tomorrow, but she thinks it can probably wait until his regularly scheduled check up. It's only 2 weeks. But then I think ONLY TWO WEEKS? Two weeks of cleaning up PUKE? Ewie. So I'm a little torn, but on the other hand, I don't think it's any big crisis. Just gross is all. I thought maybe he had reflux, but it's a little strange for him to show his FIRST signs of that now and not earlier. Plus, why would it only be confined to supper? Weirdness.
- Um….
- Shabbos planning has begun. The house isn’t quite as much of a disaster right now as it usually is by Wednesday, so hopefully the cleaning part won’t be so bad. I didn’t make my kugel Monday OR Tuesday because I was out Monday and Tuesday was Home Depot night. So kugel tonight. And I have to buy a brisket. But I can mostly cook that tomorrow. And I have to figure out dessert. Who has any good pareve dessert ideas?
I guess that’s it for now..I should, after all, get some more work done and get outta here. Did you make it through the whole thing? I’m impressed if you did. And if you didn’t, well, you’re obviously not a loyal reader. :-D