Oct 02, 2006 23:27
Right now I feel as if I don't care anymore. I'm in this for me. Nobody else matters. I'm ready for this year to be over. The sooner it's over the better. I'm ready to get out of here. They don't even talk to me any more. Not that I talk to them, but I guess it is a mutual shunning. lol. They don't talk to me and I don't talk to them. Maybe shunning isn't the word. Meh, I don't know.
I'm still in the process of applying to colleges. I've gotten two out of the way and one of my applications is finished I just have to pay for it and send it. It's to CSU. I keep telling myself that maybe I do want to stick around and go to CSU, but I don't think I do. I'm ready to leave Charleston all together. Not that I hate it, I'm just unhappy right now. And it definitely shows.
So all my classes are going more than great right now, with the acception of AP English. Whatever though. I'm over it. I try really hard, but as soon as we get to the things that matter I screw it up. I guess it's going to take me working my butt off, and that's what it'll get! It isn't that I don't try currently, because I do, but I just don't think I'm giving my all. I'm trying to, but for some reason I'm holding back. I don't know what the problem is.
Sunday School is actually going pretty well. I'm going to start teaching from this book soon. I can't remember the name of it, but basically you show a video clip from a Disney movie and then relate it to the Bible, Jesus, God, etc. They have Little Mermaid in there too...TOTAL PLUS! I believe these kids are the only stability I have in my life right now. I love them. I love this (the whole teaching thing). It's for me.
Mom never called back. She said she would, but she didn't. Should I really be shocked? Probably not. I guess I knew she wouldn't all along. It's cool though.
I haven't talked to my dad since I left his house on July 15, 2006. Maybe I should call him. But I'm in that stubborn mood right now, you know the "Well, he hasn't picked up the phone to call me either" mood. I know as soon as I talk to him one of the first things he's going to say is, "Why haven't you called me?" And then when I counter that response with, "Why haven't you called me?" He's going to say, "I've been really busy." Then he'll list off a long list of excuses. Then I'll say, "It's ok." But really I'll be thinking, "Have you talked to my little sister and brother lately? Well, if you can make time to talk to them then why can't you make time to talk to me?" Sure they live with him, but seriously!
So I get to start my field study soon in Teacher Cadets. I'm really excited! I hope it goes well.
I'm tired.