Prairie Thoughts

Nov 07, 2007 11:56

Let's continue, shall we?


For the most part, Canadians look at Saskatchewan and Manitoba being fairly interchangeable, both of them are flat prairie lands with a low population count and little to offer the rest of Canada other than wheat (I'm generalizing).

The difference between those two provinces to me is that I lived in Manitoba for three years, had my earliest memories there, learned to climb trees, saw my first movie (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles). Lived through some of the most intense snow and rain storms I've ever seen, though back then I thought them normal.

My little sister was born there.

To me it's a special place, but I doubt most of Canada sees it that way.


As I mentioned before, it's kind of like the Newfoundland of the west, because it's the butt of everyone's jokes. I'm in Saskatchewan right now, and although I've never lived here, I do come here often enough. The flatness of Manitoba never daunted me the way Saskatchewan's does, and I'm not sure why that is.

Sitting at the edge of town and looking out at the vasty nothingness screws with your head. And driving through small towns surrounded by giant white crosses does more than give me the heebie-jeebies.

I like it here mostly because of how quiet it is, peaceful you could say. After living in Toronto for so long it's nice to go to a place where seeing four cars at once on a highway is a strange and startling sights (okay, I'm generalizing again). You get what I mean.

It's nice here, even if I am freezing my balls off.


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