Final Thoughts

Nov 09, 2007 23:11


So I'm in Alberta now (witnesses the brownest autumn I've ever seen), and I thought that'd be the best place to write about it.

For the most part, I've always found Alberta to be a little stuck up, especially when it comes to the whole oil thing and revenue from said oil. I don't want to strike up any kind of political debate here, but Alberta is kind of the western Ontario.

As in, full of themselves (even if it is for good reason).

But, I love it here, my family's roots are here (sort of), and treking through the mountains on a horse is enough for anyone to fall in love with the place.

British Columbia

And here we come to what I consider the most beautiful province. I've never been so dumbstruck by a landscape around me. I stepped off a train and saw mountains and the ocean before me. I was hooked, and no, not just because of it's reputation for marijuana (that just adds to what I like about this place).

Of course, people hate me there, not me personally, but because I'm from Toronto. Also, if I were to mention the Ducks in either province, I'm sure they're break my jaw.

Well, I don't know what I've learned from going over all of this, except the fact that we all seem to hate each other and that every province but Ontario seems to have a very comunal atmosphere.

I'd like to write about the territories, but I've never been there. Maybe in a nother few years...


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