Friendly advice

Nov 05, 2006 13:33

Who: Limerri, Essdara
Where: Near the lake
Comment: One of Dara's other favourite greenriders, following firmly in her tradition of being weak on shy greenriders. Dara tracks Lime down to discuss something important with her, and to try to help her fix a problem.

It's late evening in the weyr, and the sun has gone down behind the bowl's rim. With it's passing, darkness has fallen over the bowl. Darkness tht is near-complete with the overcast sky overhead. Through this drkness comes a figure; she's sure-footed, having walked the bowl countless times in her life. Her destination is soon seen to be the lake, walking onto it's rocky shore without faltering, though her steps become more carefully chosen. And while she walks, her eyes peer through the darkness, looking for any small sign of who or what she is looking for.

Evenings down by the lake are a fine end to anyone's day; Limerri has gotten into the habit of spending time she's not otherwise occupied down there, rain, snow, or shine. Certainly it's cold, but she's been a weyrbrat all her life--so she's quite used to wearing a sweater just about everywhere. And, the cold usually keeps most people from bothering her, as she stands out there on the pebbly shore of the lake, shifting several round, smooth stones between her fingers. Thinking, mostly.

Essdara is almost on top of Limerri before she actually sees her, but when she does her pleasure is clear. "'Ri." She says by way of greeting, coming to stand by the greenrider. "Just exactly who I was hoping to find. I heard this was the palce to look, glad to see it is. How're you? And how is Maath?"

The sound of somebody's voice so near at hand makes Limerri jump a little, though she calms down when her mind catches up with her instincts and she recognizes Essdara. "D-Dara," she says, warmly, turning away from the lake to face the older girl. "Hh--hi. We're all right. How are--are you?" She shifts all the stones over to one hand, so she can offer a little crook-fingered wave. "...Y,you were looking fo-for m--me?"

Essdara lays a reassuring hand on the startled greenrider's arm, smiling back at her in the darkness. "Yes, dear, I was. I'm glad the two of you are well, and I am doing good myself." Hand pulls away, and she looks out towards the water, "I wanted to talk to you, Limerri... And I'm not sure what to say, cause it's really none of my business, but.. I like you, and don't want to see you hurt."

Huh? Though Limerri smiles a little wanly when Dara lays a hand on her arm, the smile fades to a look of mild confusion. Sure, she's not dim, and she understands there are many meanings of the word "like", but... She's puzzled, by the look of things. "I l-like you, too, Dara. B-but--" She wrinkles up her nose a little, chewing on the inside of her lower lip, uncertain. "Wh...wh-what-- Y-you wouldn't hh-hurt me, I kn...know that."

Essdara looks confused herself in turn, as she tries to figure out Limerri's meaning. Then, her smile returns and she shakes her head, "That's... I didn't mean it like that, 'Ri. I would be lying if I didn't say I was attracted, but that's not what I meant." She looks back at Limerri, and takes a deep breath. "It's more about Maath, and about you. And about something you mentioned the other night, that she hasn't risen yet."

Oh... That. Limerri bites her lower lip now, looking away across the lake and shifting the stones in her hands back and forth, nervously. "Ah," she says in a voice just above a whisper. "S...sometimes th-they r-rise...late. I d-don't...don't th-think anything is wrong with her--r,r--r-right?" Which is sort of a diversion from the point, which is what the greenrider might be intending. She drops the rocks she's holding all of a sudden (they clatter against their fellows on the ground) and hugs herself uncertainly. "I, it should be s-soon, th-th...though."

Essdara looks over at her a moment, then moves over behind her and adds her arms to the hug, hands resting over the greenriders. "There's nothing wrong with her, 'Ri. Or with you. When you are both ready, it will happen. Of that, I am certain." She is quiet a moment. "It's going to happen, 'Ri. And when it does, you know what will happen after. And... I'm worried about you, there."

Limerri doesn't resist the hug--in fact, she seems glad of it, though she sniffs once. "I," she manages after a moment. At least she's not crying, despite that one stray sniffle. And another one that follows it, though that's the last of that for now--even though it seems almost like she'll chew a hole in her lower lip. "M...mmy f-first time, t...too," she volunteers at length. "G-guess one w, will--c-care a...about how I talk, if...if it's a fl,fl--flight."

Essdara is quiet a long moment. "Limerri, yuo are beautiful, and wodnerful, and you let your voice control your life too much. But all that aside... Dearheart, you can't let that be your first time. YYou've been here as long as I have, and you know that." A soft sigh, and she gives a gentle squeeze. "I would help you, if I could. But no matter how much I might enjoy it, it wouldn't make that any easier."

Another sniff. Lim frees one of her hands long enough to knuckle at her eyes; they are still dry, but hurt a little. "I kn...know. I..." Dara's offer makes her blush, though it might be hard to tell in this light. And it certainly stops her from sniffling, too. "Th--thanks, I--" She is silent for several seconds, trying to organize the thoughts whirling around the inside of her head. " b-be there, when it h--when she r-rises, th...that first time?" Hopeful, almost. At the very least, Dara's someone she can trust.

"If I could, I would, 'Ri." Dara says, true sadness in her voice. "But I don't ride a male dragon, that's something no girl can do. The most I can do is support you, be there for you as it comes up. But when she goes up... Well, the most I can do is be there for you the next morning." She rests her chin on Limerri's shoulder. "It won't be so bad when it happens. It never is. But I know it's scarey, especially for you." A soft sigh. "Find someone. Anyone. Get drunk, make yourself not remember it, whatever. But find someone." A quiet pause. "If you wanted... I could ask someone for you?"

There's truth to that. Lim ducks her head until her chin rests against her chest, staring down at the pebbles beneath her feet. "Mm...mhm," she manages at first, lapsing into silence again. Her free hand creeps up to rest on one of Dara's after a moment. "D-d...don't know who, th-though." There's...T'vas. And R'vain. But she doesn't think of either of them like /that/ and besides they both ride bronze. " would? I--y-yes. Yes, pl-please."

Essdara nods softly, her chin bumping against the shoulder it rests on. "I know who I would, will, ask." Her voice is quiet, almost hesitant. "It's... Someone I trust. Someone I know will be gentle." A soft chuckle. "He'll even provide alchahol, if that's what you want." She turns her head, looking at her out of the corner of her eyes. "Well, two people I'd trust. One, I dunno, it might be inappropriate given his position. So probably the other. And you've even met him, the other night. D'ven." a soft laugh, though not entirely of amusement. "And I am sure he'd agree. Don't think he's about to turn away a beautiful greenrider for much of anything."

D'ven... Oh! /That/ fellow from the other day. Limerri is quiet as she thinks over this, raising her head a little and looking out across the lake. "H-he...did s-seem kind. I..." A pause for more lip-nibbling here, as she considers him. "Safe. B-but the healer--Vanya? W--would he--would she--" She trails off into a squeak of a noise. "He w-would be n-nice. I,if it's a-all right."

Essdara shakes her head. "They aren't more than friends, occaisonal lovers, so far as I know. Vanya... She was in love with E'sere. Still is, I think. It's a sore topic with her, and I don't think she will be more than friends with anyone for a while." She carefully disentangles herself from the greenrider, so she can move to see her properly. "I can talk to him, if you like. I would do that for you. But... It might be better, for you, to do so yourself. To see that he's not just doing it as a favor to me." A small smile. "But if it would help, I would come with you. I know where his weyr is, we could go whenever you want."

Limerri turns to look at Essdara, lacing her hands together in front of her now to keep them still. The mention of E'sere makes her look down, reaching up a hand to push a lock of hair behind an ear. "Oh. It--m-must be h,hard--for her." And she looks up again as quickly, expression troubled--even if what the other girl says does have wisdom to it. "...What--what w-would I say? To h-him--I've never..." She surprises herself by actually laughing a little here, even if the sound is very, very strained. "Never asked. B,b-before." A hand to her lips for a moment, before her expression becomes one of concern once more. "If it--w-would be t-too weird. I d-don't, I--d,don't know him. S-so well, e--even if I'd l-like, like t-to change that."

Essdara smiles a little bit. "What do you say? Well, that's a hard one, but... Just be direct. Be honest." A small smile. "It's the best way. For instance, were it me asking you, I would say that I find you attractive and pretty and enjoy spending time with you, and would quite like the chance to spend the night sometime." She might even be teasing. "But... Hon, I don't think it matters what you say. D'ven is smart, very. And he knows me, I admit, better than I might like. I don't think it will take him long to figure it out. And like I said... You are pretty, and attractive, and he's a bronzerider. He's not fool enough to say no."

"H-honest," Limerri echoes, considering this. Honest. The fingers of one hand wind in the sleeve of her sweater on that side, and she shifts her weight from foot to foot, thinking. She's quiet for a very long time as she goes through this in her mind, occasionally making the slightest of noises, as if mumbling to herself. Finally, though, she nods, folding her hands before her once more. "I will. B-be honest with him." The smile that blossoms on her face seems to surprise even her, despite the fact it's still a little troubled. "B-besides, i--it's nn...not like h,he c-could get the w,wrong i-i-id--idea, right?"

Essdara gives an amused giggle. "No, dear, it's not like he can get the wrong idea. That is a wonderful way of looking at it, and you should bear that in mind. The worst he can do, 'Ri, is say no. And that wouldn't be the end of the world. There's always R'vain!" Her voice is half teasing and half serious, her expression briefly unreadable. "So... Let's go." She offers her hand. "If Maath is willing to carry two? And you want me there?"

Gulp. The topic of the Weyrlingmaster makes Lim's smile waver somewhat, until she abruptly thinks of something that makes her join in on the giggling. "M-maybe not. Too hairy," she suggests, of R'vain. Sobering, then, she cants her head a little to one side--before nodding. "Sh-she says's fine. But--h-hold on tight." A pause as she takes Dara's hand, and then clarifies: "Th-that's from me--n...not her. She's, she's--she l-likes showing off." As if the mention of this were a cue, there's a very distant shuffling sound and a pair of sleepy, glowing eyes bob into view a ways up on the cliff wall.

"You get used to the hair." Dara says, with a slight blush of her own. Quickly, though, she changes back to less awkward topics. "And I will be very sure to hold on tight. I've flown many times, though, and with dragons like Uneth and Immath. Don't think there's anything she can do they haven't tried on me." A teasing smile. "She likes showing off? Explains why she picked you, then. Good to have something pretty to show off."

rp, limerri, lake, essdara

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