A turnday present

Nov 07, 2006 19:53

Who: Nari, Essdara
Where: Nari's weyr
Comment: Dara celebrates her turnday as only she can.

Night time is quiet time. The weyr is more or less silent though there is the occasional sound of a dragon shifting in her couch and the occasional clink of glass on wood. Nari is dressed for bed, tucked into an armchair, reading a length of hide absently. There's a half-full glass of wine on a nearby table.

The tell-tale sound of wings in the bowl may not be remarkable, but a blue dragon landing on Nari's ledge - and not a Benden one - surely is a rare sight. From Korth's back slips a small figure, after a kiss to the cheek of the older man who belongs to the blue. After she settles onto her feet, the pair are away into the night. Dara turns, moving towards the tunnel into the sheltered area of the weyr, stopping at the mouth of the tunnel. "Nari?" She calls, in a carrying voice. "It's Dara, may I come in?"

Nari blinks at the sound of a visitor. She looks down and eeps at the nightgown. "Uh. Sure. Er. One moment." Nari gets up and dashes around for a dressing gown. "Come in!" She hurriedly tries to slip into the longer gown.

As Dara comes into sight in the weyr, it can be seen that she carries a small wrapped parcel in one of her hands. As Dara finds Nari, she moevs to offer her a warm hug in greeting, and a light kiss on the cheek if she can get away with it. "Hello there! I haven't heard from you in a while, and have been a bit concerned, so figured it was about time to track you down. And since Da is always willing to help out his favuorite daughter, here I am!" A grin, and she looks around. "Very cozy."

Nari blushes a bit at the kiss but she doesn't pull away. "Uhm. Hi. And of course not. You're always welcome." She peers out towards the ledge as if trying to summon a picture of the dragon. "That was your father?" She smiles and then gestures for Dara to help herself to a seat. "Is it too late for wine?" The parcel is glanced at curiously.

Essdara nods, smiling as she moves to sit in the offered spot and letting the package land on her lap, both hands resting on it. "A small bit would be nice, if you like. And yeah, he is, though we don't spend all that much time together. Riders have rather busy lives to lead." Her gaze follows the greenrider as she moves. "How've you been?"

Nari pours the other girl a glass and shrugs. "Pretty much hiding." She offers Dara the glass and a smile. "D'ven ... yeah. That, well. I don't know. Aida came by."

Essdara winces a little bit as she takes the glass, a red flush creeping over her cheeks. "Yeah. She, umm, mentioned she was going to." Dara glances down, "I'm sorry if I said anything I shouldn't have to her. I didn't know she didn't know. I've a rather bad habit there." She looks back up, "Talked to D'ven a bit the other day, though not about you this time." Implying she has other times. "I'm guessing he didn't proclaim his undying love for you, but I'm hoping you guys at least worked out what .is. there?"

Nari's head snaps up. "She didn't know what?" Blink. "What didn't Aida know? And of course not. D'ven doesn't love me. That's ridiculous."

Another wince, but Dara can't help but laugh. "See what I mean? Bad habit. I mentioned that you had been unhappy, and that part of that was the timing of Zalmayth's last flight, and the winner. But, don't think she really cares anyway. She's smart, Aida, knows what dragons do." A topic change seems in order, and Dara goes on with it. "All that's the past, though. I actually have a reason for visiting you tonight, and it's not to dredge up uncomfortable feeligns and memories."

"Oh." Nari frowns a little and then just sighs. "Yes. I mean, she kept saying she wanted to be friends." Nari runs a hand through her hair, looking distracted and vaguely unhappy. But then she ususally does. She tries to summon a smile and looks to Dara. "Oh? What's on your mind?"

"It's my turnday!" Dara proclaims, with a bright smile. "And so, I brought you a present!" Her free hand lifts the package she brought with her, and offers it out to Nari. "I figure, most of my friends I haven't the slightest clue when their turndays are, so on mine, I pick a few people I like, and give them something."

Blink blink. "You've a present for /me/ on your turnday?" Nari blinks some more at the gift. "Thank you Dara. Now I must get you something." She smiles, accepting the gift almost shyly.

Essdara smiles warmly as she takes the package. The gift inside is simple, and nothing terribly expensive or elaborate. A brush, carved of wood with some carved-in knotwork. The bristles are new and stiff, probably made from some animal or other. Dara grins a bit. "You don't have to, I just like giving people things and enjoy the excuse. It's not much, but... You've lovely hair, and i couldn't help thinking of you when I saw it, and how nice brushing your hair would be."

Nari blushes again as she listens. She seems quite appreciative of the gift and touches it tentatively. "Thank you Dara. You are too sweet." Nari sets the brush in her lap, offering the other girl a smile. "That doesn't mean I won't get you anything however."

"That choice is yours, Nari, and I would never presume to tell you what you could and could not do." Dara says, though it's with quite a pleased smile. A sip from the wine is taken, and then she is standing. The wine is set somewhere safe, and she moves over tot he greenrider. Her eyes move to the brush, and a hand is tentatively offered out towards her. "May I?"

Fighting another blush Nari offers the other girl the brush. "No one has brushed my hair for me since it was... well. Past my hips."

"Then you have long been neglected, my dear!" Dara says, in a shocked voice. "Though honestly, it was Vanya who reminded me how nice it is." The brush is taken, and she looks at the armchair Nari sits in. "Hmm. Perhaps the desk chair, or the bed? Hard to get behind you here."

Nari girns and moves over towards the bed. She seems a little self conscious, tucking her hair behind her ears. "Are you sure you don't have something you'd rather be doing, Dara?"

Essdara follows her over, stopping next to her to give her a curious look. "Nari, /I/ came to /you/. If I wanted to be somewhere else, I would be. Sit." Assuming the greenrider does, a moment is taken to take off her shoes before climbing onto the bed and settling behind her. A light touch of fingers to the greenrider's hair, smiling. "Very nice."

Nari makes a soft sound of appreciation and settles in. "Thank you Dara. You're a very sweet girl." Nari quiets, just enjoying to companionship for now.

"The feeling is quite mutual, Nari." Dara says, grinning. And then she, too, is quiet. Her focus turns to those shoulder-length locks of hair, and the task she has set them to. She is hesitant at first, uncertain of how best to do so without accidentally pulling or tugging, but confidence grows quickly. Afer a short while, a quiet comment escapes her. "I did miss seeing you, you know. Is it ok, Nari, if I find you more often?"

There is a little sigh of relaxation from Nari, though the question rouses her from it. "Mmm? Yes. Of course. I'm sorry I've been scarce. I just..." She gives a slight shrug. "I feel uncomfortable most of the time."

Brush, brush. The stroking through hair that doesn't really need it is easy and gentle, and Dara's voice imitates that gentleness as she speaks. "There's nothing to be sorry for, Nari, nothing at all. Why would there be? We're friends, good friends, and there are no commitments, no expectations between us." She shifts her brushign a bit, closer to her ear. "Why are you uncomfortable most of the time, Nari?" She asks, in a soft voice.

Slipping back into that lulling relaxation, Nari seems to almost zone out. "Because. Because I don't know many people. There is so much confusion richoeting around. I've destroyed nearly every one of my turns long friendships in a matter of weeks."

Essdara shakes her head slowly, not that she can see it. "I don't think you have destroyed anything." Dara says, in a reassuring voice. "D'ven, when I mentioned you, he seemed like someone who still considers you a friend. Br'ce isn't, from what I saw, the type to let such a good friendship go over a Flight. And even if you had, there would be more friends to make, more people to know." The brushing stops, and Dara's hands rest on her shoulders. "There is a lot of confusion here. But it is getting better, and will keep getting better. And we'll make sure you see your way through it all."

Nari just nods when the brushing stops. She takes in a deep breath and tries to find that relaxation again. "Thank you Dara."

Essdara hugs her gently around the waist. "Is there anything I can do to help, Nari?" A soft chuckle, "Other than stalking you periodically and reminding you there is osmeone out there who cares?"

Nari leans back into the hug and smiles. "You're too sweet Dara. How did you get so? I think you much have devoured a whole sack of sweetner as a child. Thank you sweetling. I'll be fine. I'll ever leave my weyr soon. I promise!"

A soft laugh and a kiss on her cheek. "Me? I'm a simple girl who likes to see her friends happy. And you are one of my friends, and very special to me. So, I want you to be happy." An impish grin. "Among other things." And years of carousing with D'ven and T'ral should make that tone perfectly clear.

Nari is still startled to have /that/ sort of tone directed her way. She blushes. "Oh. Er." And then she's grinning. "See? Sweet." The kiss on the cheek is returned and Nari scoots to lay back on her bed, an arm tucked under her head. "Maybe it won't be so bad here."

Essdara smiles and turns as she scoots, looking down towards her. "If you say so. And I like to think, once things settle down, you will find that this is a good place to live. I can't imagine anywhere else. But I'll tell you what. If you are unhappy ina turn, I'll help you find somewhere you like better." Then she stretches out next to her and draps an arm across Nari's stomach. "I'm sure, though, that you won't want to leave."

Nari looks down at the arm drapped across her belly. A little smile curls the corners of her mouth. "Well, it is growing on me."

Essdara smiles, relaxing next to her. "Rumor has it there'll be some party or social thing coming up soon, headwoman is organising it. That's soemthing to look forward to, at least. See if we can break the tradition and have a party here where nothing happens?"

"Would it be a party if nothing happened?" Nari asks, as if trying to picture such an event. "I mean, what would the definition of 'happens' be? Could people arrive or would that be something? But a large gathering of people in which everyone stands around silently could be a little creepy."

Essdara giggles, "Not like that!" She says, clearly amused. "No, no. Turn's end, my first time wearing a pretty dress and looking forward to dancing... One of my bset friends was attacked in the store rooms, and another friend hurt. And then there was the caucus part, and Yevide pretty much defined that. S'why I wasn't going to go to that gather a few months back, though R'vain lured me in the end. So... I'm wary, but I hope it goes well as I do enjoy dancing."

Nari returns the smile and laughs a bit. Though the laughter fades as Dara explains. "That sounds like a lot to deal with. I'm sorry for your losses, Dara." The words seem sincere.

Essdara shrugs, fingers playing with the fabric of Nari's top. "It's all done and gone. I admit Yevide hurt a lot, I loved her very much, and it's still unclear who killed her." A slight shrug. "I broke a lot after that. I guess it's part of why I want to help you. 'Cause I know how hard it was coming out of that, and without someone who cared abuot me to help..."

Nari glances down towards the top-playing. She blushes. It seems to be her thing. "Well. That's very sweet of you." Nari clears her throat a little, trying to concentrate on the conversation.

It more seems like Dara can't lie still than anything, fingers plucking at wrinkles and then rubbing them flat, and she seems oblivious of the actions or their effects. "You keep saying that." She sits up a bit and reaches for Nari's arm, to try to lay it out straight so she can use it as a pillow. "Will you dance with me, if she really does throw a party?" She asks as, one way or another, she settles back down.

Letting her arm be used as a pillow, Nari looks both amused and bewildered. "Do girls dance together?"

"They do if you want them to." is Dara's easy reply, smiling. "There's lots of things some people don't think girls should do together, and I'm pretty sure you know what I think of that."

Nari just lifts a brow. "Well. I suppose you've made that clear yes. I admit where I come from... I think my mother'd perish had she seen me kissing you." There's a pause, "Of course I think my mother died a little when she saw me Impress a green, knowing their er....proclivities."

A soft giggle, "Yeah, probably true. Not that all greenriders are as bad as the stereotypes, but I don't think most holders realise that. They just know the stories." A light shrug. "And there are people like me who are more like those greenriders than some who are."

Nari just lifts her brows and smiles. "I'm... I don't know. I don't like thinking about it mostly. Tiv says you kissed me because I look like I need kissing. I have no idea what that's supposed to mean."

Essdara's fingers lift from Nari's stomach for a moment, to lightly touch her lips, tracing them. "Means exactly what it sounds like. That you are very lonely, and think very little of yourself, and that I have the chance to show you that you are attractive and special." she closes her eyes, still smiling. "And I cherish that chance and am going to make the most of it while it lasts."

Nari just mulls that over quietly. But then she's very good at quiet. She just relaxes again, enjoying the closeness for now.

"Nari?" Dara asks, softly. "Nari, may I stay tonight? Just... Like this, nothing more?" Her eyes stay closed, but there's a tension to her as she asks, an uncertainty if it's ok to ask.

Nari opens one eye and looks at Dara for a moment. Then the eye shuts and she's fighting a smile. "I warn you, I'm apt to steal the furs."

"S'ok, I'll keep warm." Dara assures her, smiling. "Not that cold yet this season anyway, and the quiet will more than make up for it. Next time, I'll be sure to bring extra." She ends, with a tease.

Nari just laughs and slides out of the bed and begins making her evening ablutions. Before long she's heading back to the bed, yawning and stretching.

Essdara waits patiently; her own clothes are light and comfortable, and quite enough for sleeping in. A smile as Nari returns, a touch of shyness to it as she watches Nari approach. "Thank you, by the way, for letting me come up. It's been a lovely evening."

"I should be thanking you for the company." Nari approaches the bed uncertainly. "You know. I've never gone to sleep next to someone like this before. It's... different." She climbs under the furs, trying to get comfortable.

Essdara smiles. "Like what?" She asks, the slightest hint of teasing in her voice. "And.. It's something Aida, actually, taught me to enjoy. Just sharing a bed with someone I care about. Keeps nightmares away, and I sleep a lot more than I do alone. So, I admit, it's something I selfishly look for when I can."

Laughing Nari says, "Oh ho. So I see I'm just a vehicle to a good night's sleep, am I?" She's grinning though and settles herself in. "I just.. it's odd because on the whole I'm not especially comfortable with touching."

"You aren't /just/ anything, dear Nari." Dara says, amusement written in her features. "But I never claimed this was pure altruism here." As Nari lies down, and with her final answer, Dara briefly looks uncertain again. "I'm not wanting to make you uncomfortable. If my touches ever bother you, just... Tell me, and I'll stop. No guilt, no need to worry." Still, the words don't stop her hand from finding Nari's to give it a squeeze, "But you are nice to hold."

Nari offers a shy smile and a return hand squeeze. "You haven't made me uncomfortable yet." Or at least not in a way she's willing to share.

"Good." And it's Dara's turn to shift a bit, finding a comfortable position. She takes Nari's words as a sort of permission to resume her earlier snuggling, arm across the rider's stomach and Dara's hand resting on her hip. She relaxes with a contented sigh, and doesn't seem to feel any need to add on to her simple approval.

rp, weyr, nari, essdara

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