(no subject)

Oct 03, 2006 10:30

Who: D'ven, Essdara
Where: Living Caverns
Comment: Dara and D'ven talk for the first time since that night.

It's early morning and people are beginning to surface, though the living cavern is still largely empty. D'ven has found himself a corner, and is hunched over a mug of steaming liquid with somewhat blearly eyes.

Today, Dara is on a more menial task than normal; rather than cooking, she's overseeing the serving tables. Tis mostly involves a lot of watching, and directing a few of the newer kitchen aides on what needs doing. "Rikku, would you run and get a fresh lot of meatrolls? They're going fast." She says to one black-haired child, who can't be more than 13. The girl nods, and scampers off towards the kitchens.

Eventually, D'ven manages to wake himself enough with the aid of the drink that food comes to mind. Slowly standing up, a movement that seems to take longer than it probably should, he makes his way over towards the tables. When he spots Dara, she's given a tired smile. "Morning."

D'ven rides bronze Teraneth at High Reaches Weyr.

Essdara returns the smile with one of her own, though there's a definate edge of wariness to it. "Wingsecond." She says, politely. "I hope you are having a good morning? And that you and Teraneth are well this morning?" Rikku returns, and Dara motions for her to put the rolls out; just in time, the last one having been claimed.

"Indeed." D'ven replies, his smile fading ever so slightly. "And yourself? Everything is well with you this morning?" The newly arrived rolls go ignored for now, the man apparently prefering conversation to food for the time being.

Essdara shtugs a bit, focusing for a moment on her work; it's not a snub, though, and she does turn back towards him after a moment. "As well as can be expected, all things considered." She says, amiably. "I wouldn't say everything is well, but there's nothing wrong that I can do much about."

D'ven nods as he listens. "Sadly that's often the way." He agrees with a tired sigh. "Still, I'm sure things will get better in time." The man offers after a pause. "Most things seem to."

Essdara snorts, "Yeah. Not so much lately." She says, a bitter edge to her voice. "I figure next, someone will poison the food and kill off half the weyr at once. Seems to be about the way things are going, you know?"

"Yeah, I know." D'ven replies with a slight shake of his head. "Though, while this is probably little comfort, I don't think they actually would. It dosn't fit with what they seem to want." There's a pause. "Yeah, that's really not much comfort, is it?"

"Not so much, no." Dara says, with a sigh. A glance at the tables shows them mostly ok, a few instructions are given to her wards, and a bit of independance as she claims a small plate of fresh meatrolls, moving towards D'ven after. "Not, at this point, that I know what they DO want."

"Want to find a seat?" D'ven suggests as Dara approaches with her plate. "And power, I think. They want power. I also think there's more than one group of they."

Essdara nods. "Please." She says, in regards to a seat. "And why do you think there are two groups?" She asks, curiously. She moves with him towards where he was sitting, settling at the table. "Doesn't seem to me it matters how many there are. The most we can do now is try to find someone who can bring stability."

"I don't necessarily think that there's two." D'ven replies with a slight shake of his head. "I just think...it's not as cohesive as you'd expect if it was only one group. It's more chaotic in places." At the latter point, he nods. "I would agree. It's why we need E'sere. Of course, it will be hard for anyone to bring stability till those causing chaos are dragged into the light."

Essdara nods a bit. "E'sere is about the only one I can see managing it, really. I... Admit I don't fully /trust/ him, but I think he's the only one left with enough popularity to rally enough people behind him. So, for the moment, he has my support." If not approval. "Unless you'd like to make a bid? Cause, surely, being from Benden won't be held against anyone." Again with the bitter

"Why don't you trust him?" D'ven asks, his tone curious rather than accusatory. At the question, he laughs softly and shakes his head. "No, not I. I've not what it takes to be a Weyrleader. Besides which, I don't want the job. As for where I come from being held against me...that dosn't worry me so much. I'm used to people being unhappy with me because of who I am."

A sweet smile. "There are so many reasons to be unhappy with you, why choose?" The other question, though, gets a moment of sombre thought. "I think." She says, carefully, "There is a good probability he isn't innocent in all this. At the very least, he didn't do anything to mitigate it. I've also heard a few hintings, from people I trust, that there's reason to worry about his motives." A soft shrug. "And, so far, he seems to be coming out rather well from all this. At this point... It isn't so important to me if he is, so long as things get better."

D'ven returns the smile with one of his own. "Indeed. And the older I get, the more reasons seem to arise." Once Dara drops to a more somber tone, the bronzerider begins listening intently. His head is shaken several times, before he finally sighs. "I can't believe E'sere would be behind this. But...if he was, it is all important. Such a man could never be allowed to become Weyrleader."

"You say that like we have a choice." Dara says, with a smirk. "He's popular enough, and his dragon is certainly talented enough, to make our views on the matter a moot point." A shrug, as she stats picking apart a meatroll. "But, like I said... I've nothing to go on. Just vauge rumors, hints, and gut instinct. And I admit, as well, I've not liked him since he undermined the Weyrwoman so publically and underhandedly."

"Oh, there's always a choice." D'ven replies after a moment, without elaborating. At the latter point, he tilts his head curiously. "How did he do that, precisely?" The man asks, his tone thoughtful and somber.

Essdara tilts her head. "You had to have heard about his little wing of rider, flying Fall over Nabol?" She sounds a bit surprised. "All your best friends where up there with him, after all, I can't imagine you didn't hear about it. I dunno if J'cor and Yevide's decision was right, or not... But it was their decision to make, not his."

D'ven pauses for a moment. "Ah, yes, that." He sighs. "You may not like to hear this, but I do not think there are many who would not have done the same in his position. It was indeed their decision to make, just as it was the decision of those who flew that fall to obey or disobey. I feel they chose the right path, and I would have been up there with them had I been here."

Essdara shakes her head. "It... Wasn't that they disobeyed, D'ven. It was how they did it. And, more to the point, how they rubbed his nose in it when they did. There are right ways and wrong ways to disobey, and that was wrong. They didn't just show that they disagreed, they made him look like a fool. That was where things started to go wrong, right there. Because who do you think the people who want power would see as weyrleader? Who is it they have people rallying around?"

"Ah. The manner of their disobedience, and how they acted afterwards, I cannot comment on. I wasn't here for it, after all, so I shall take your word for it." D'ven replies, before sighing. "But yes, I see your point. Still, it is by no means a done deal. And E'sere may be merely someone whose own schemes have been caught up in this. I still find it consider he might be responsible for it."

"Truth is, we may never know. We can't change the past, either way, and the future... What's important now is for things to get better." Dara sighs. "If, indeed, they CAN get better at this point." A weak smile is offered, and an abrupt topic change. "I met another one of your friends last night, Nari. She's... Interesting."

D'ven seems happy to go with the topic change, grinning at the mention of his friend. "Nari? Yeah, she's one of the guys. Knows how to handle herself well enough. What about her did you find particularly..Interesting?"

"The handstand she was trying to do on her dragon's back?" Dara answers, with an amused smile. "Trying, I emphasise. Thankfully she was in the water, so when she fell it was only into an icy bath and not a rather hard rock or something."

"Yep, that's Nari." D'ven replies with an amused snicker. "And yeah, she's not dumb enough to do it on rock. Least, as far as I know she's not. Greens and blues tend to be like that. Acrobatic, and show-offs with it. They do like their stunts."

Essdara snorts. "T'zen and Tavaly are two of my best friends. I've known T'zen since he was a Candidate. Believe me, I /know/ what people like that are like. She did seem nice, though. Between the lot of you, youve' got me wondering what your home weyr is like. Perhaps I should move there a while, get a feel for it, see what stories can be dredge up..."

D'ven's face darkens slightly. "I'm sure you'd be more than welcome at Benden." He finally says after a long silence. "I can't say I think much of the leadership there, or some of the riders they choose to retain, but it's a good place for all that."

"Anyone murdered lately?" Dara replies, with a bit of sharpness to it. "After the last few months here, I can't imagine it would be worse elsewhere. But, I don't plan to give into the tempation to flee, no matter how little is left worth caring about here."

"Not that I know of, but..." D'ven trails off, shaking his head. No, he won't allow himself to say that. "And no, I have no doubt it would be better for you there. My...feelings are purely personal. I'm glad to hear you have no plans to flee, though."

Essdara chuckles softly. "Are you?" She asks, curiously. "Wouldn't think it would matter to you either way. It's not like we know each other overly well. But no... This i my home, where I was born, where I've always been, and where I'll die. I wouldn't fit in anywhere else."

D'ven smiles wanly. "I may choose to follow a selfish path, but I am not blind as to the situation here. And from what you have told me, you are...it is beneficial that people like you stay. The more we lose, the less chance of things getting better in the end."

Essdara nods. "Just so." A glance towards the tables, and then back, and a quiet look at him. "The other night." She says, abruptly. "It... That shouldn't have happened." Subtle as always.

"I see." D'ven replies, slightly suprised by the abrupt change to the new topic. "However, it did happen." There's a pause. "I spoke to Vanya, and she seemed, once we had talked...not unhappy. I'm sorry to hear you are. While none of us intended for that to happen, it is a pity that it has not been entirely pleasant."

Essdara smiles, just a bit. "It was, I admit, rather pleasant. It was also something the wouldn't have wanted. Not you, of course, that was quite a given. But she's got no interest in girls." A shrug. "It's done, and past. And won't recurr. But I do want to apologise for it all. I should never have brought her up there."

D'ven returns the smile. "I'm glad you at least enjoyed yourself, even if you feel it shouldn't have happened. As far as I'm concerned, you have nothing to apologise to me for." There's a pause, and he begins to say something else before falling silent again.

Essdara nods. "It is wht it is." She looks down at her untouched breakfast for a long and quiet moment. Then, towards the serving table across the way. "Lonliness, despair, and alcahol are never a good mix. But, I should get back to work, before someone fills the klah pot with hot water again."

"Quite." D'ven replies with a nod, as Dara excuses herself. "Should you ever feel lonely...well, you know where to find me. Even if it's not the kind of lonely that requires...well, you know. I have been known to be decent at providing an ear and the like."

Essdara stands, and offers him a small smile. "I will try to remember that, D'ven. I do like you, and enjoy talking with you. Few are willing to talk about things plainly, and without histility even when disagreeing. It's refreshing. But I don't think there is much you can do for my lonliness, for which I am profoundly sorry."

D'ven returns the smile. "I'm sorry to hear that. But, the offer is there, regardless." Again he starts to say something, and stops. "Have a good day."

Essdara looks at him curiously a moment, not moving. "You look like you want to say something, but are holding yourself back. Don't worry about offending me, I am sure whatever it is isn't that bad. Anything bad enough to really hurt4, I've heard before anyway."

"Oh, it's not bad per se." D'ven replies with a wry tone. "It's just something I hate admitting to, and I'm not sure saying it would really be very helpful anyway. But I may tell you some other time, when there's less ears around to hear."

"There are always ears, whether we see them or not." Dara says. "Learned that one long ago. But, I will let it go, even if I am sure I'll never actually hear whatever it is. If you change your mind, or just want a quieter word... Your offer gos both ways, D'ven."

D'ven smiles. "Thank you, I shall remember that." He murmurs, before slowly standing again. "I myself should probably be getting to work, too. Though I, thankfully, don't have to worry about people putting water in the klah pot."

Essdara rolls her eyes a bit. "I would say I hate being on tables duty, but it would be a lie. I enjoy the chance to teach them, little by little, how not to be useless. Too many of my coworkers just let them do what they want, or do everything for them. Anyway. Clear skies." She turns, walking off towards to serving tables, which are noticibly more chaotic for her absence.

rp, d'ven, lc, essdara

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