The new girl

Oct 03, 2006 10:27

Who: Nari, Essdara
Where: Lake
Comment: Meeting Nari, a short scene but fun.

Nari has apparently never been given the 'your dragon is not a playground' lecture. Why is this obvious? Well, she and Zalmayth are currently pacing the edge of the lake, the dragon actually in the water, and her rider, well. Nari is balanced rather precariously; her hands are planted over her dragon's shoulders and she's wobbling fiercely. "Just... stop.. moving Zally, I've almost got it..."

Walking across the bowl from the vauge direction of the caverns comes Essdara. Apparently unable to sleep, she meanders towards the lake with a slow, distracted gait. As she comes upon the rocky shore and starts walking across it, the pale light from the moon brings to her attention a green dragon and her rider, and an odd soft of balancing act. Curious, Dara stops a few yards away to watch and see what's going on.

Nari eventually evens herself out. Once she's more or less in a stable, if completely inverted position she gradually starts trying to shift her weight to just one hand. On th eground, she might have had a chance. But on the back of a dragon? The result is a less than dignified tumble down the shoulder of the beast and with a *SPLASH* Nari disappears from sight. So /thats/ why the dragon was in the water.

Essdara winces as she watches the woman go down, a sympathetic look given to the splash of water that ensues. A few steps forward, waiting for her to surface before offering, "Landing was a bit rough... But it looks to be an interesting concept. Still, even in summer, that's gotta be some pretty cold swimming... You ok?" She does remember to ask that, though there's no real worry behind the words.

It's cold alright and Nari resurfaced with a woosh. "Cold!" She quickly makes her way to shore, "Shards that's... gah." Nari pounces on a towel left along the edge, wrapping herself in it. "That's... yeah. Well. The water cushions the fall."

Essdara gives a soft laugh, shaking her head. "It would, at that. Lot better than the shore would, and I guess I'd rather be cold and wet than warm and broken." A bright smile. "I'm Essdara, one of the cooks. Don't think I have seen you around before, you new here? Caucus?" She guesses.

Nari returns the smile despite the now chattering teeth. "Nari. This clown is Zalmayth." She gestures with a bundled hand. "We just transferred into 3C from Benden."

Essdara grins, and kneels down next to her on the short. "A pleasure to meet you. Benden... Seems like everyone I meet lately is from there. I think y'all are the ones really taking over, not anyone from Igen." A light tease, before she looks over at the green in the water with a small smile. "She's very pretty, though. Always have a soft spot for greens, bunch of my favourite people are paired up with them."

"So many people say that." Nari admits and then offers another smile. "Well, it's my pleasrure to meet you Essdara. I've been amazed at how many friendly folk I've met here."

Essdara nods, smiling. "We do try, though I admit it's a bit harder recently with the current trend in people's views on new people. but I refuse to let that stop me from meeting people and making friends. It's an important thing. Been here long?"

"Not too. Just over a week." Nari shakes her head. "I've been sticking to my weyr mostly. From what little I've been able to put together, that's likely been the healthy thing to do."

"Lonely, though." Dara says sympathetically. "Been a long few weeks here, but people'll relax eventually. Still, you shouldn't hide yourself away. I know plenty of Benden riders, and don't think any of them have had any trouble settling in. Br'ce, D'ven, I guess even T'ral is originally from there?" A shrug. "And, admittedly, the weyr is always happy to welcome another pretty girl into the fold."

There's a nod along with her words and Nari says, "Yes, Br'ce, T'ral, I'sen and.. uh, D'ven. We're all very old... wait what?" Nari looks flummoxed. "Are your eyes alright?"

Essdara looks over at her curiously. "Sorry?" She asks, clearly baffled. "And you know them, then? I admit I assumed you did, but still. They seem a very tight-knit group, good to be in with. I like them a lot." A glance away; a hidden wince.

"Yes, I was the girl who they allowed the honor of teasing within an inch of her life." Nari seems okay just carrying on. "They are a wonderful group. So long as your skin is as thick as wherry hide."

Essdara snorts. "Oh, yes. I got that impression when I first met T'ral, about a turn ago." A grin over at her, "That's fun, though. Teasing and being teased. I'll take that any day over the solemn seriousness some people have, or the arrogant haughtiness. At least them, you can talk with them and have a good time."

"Those are my boys." There is no sense of possessiveness for all the words would inherently imply. Nari just shrugs, "Br'ce and I have been friends for just about ever."

Essdara grins a bit. "His weyrmate and I, we were best friends for a while. Not so much anymore, though, but these things happen. She's a good person and they make an adorable couple. And I can't think of anyone who could lead three-cee better than he can, regardless of being a brownrider. I respect him a lot."

"Aida. Yes. She's quite the... go getter she is. Very direct." There's a hint of something uncomfortable there in the greenrider's words, though her overall attitude seems quite sincere.

Essdara nods a little. "That... Yeah. That's a good way to describe her, good as any." She looks out towards the dragon a moment again, digging for a safer topic. "So, umm." Still searching in her mind, she goes quiet for a few long moments. "Couldn't sleep, I take it?" That's benign, rigth?

"Pretty much. Still trying to get used to the time difference. Also... the tension. I don't know. I don't sleep well when things are... well." Nari just shrugs and slides her hand along Zalmayth's jaw.

Essdara makes a face. "Yeah." She agrees. "Pretty much the same here. Not slept well in longer than I can remember, don't much expect it'll get better." A soft sigh. "Sorry you had to see us in such a state. It will get better. It has to."

"Like you said, it rather has to." Nari tightens the towel around her narrow shoulders and then smiles. "As much as I love meeting people I think I'm going to be an ice sculpture if I stay here much longer without changing."

Essdara glances over, and smiles a bit. "I'd offer shared warmth, but that would be inappropriate. And I think you make a better rider than a sculture, anyway. Some things are meant to be alive, and to show it... Even if it means a headfirst tumble into an icy lake."

There's a pause and a tilt of her head and Nari just blinks at Essdara. "I appreciate the offer greatly." Formal, just a little. "In anycase, I shall look forward to seeing you again, Essdara. Thank you for this conversation."

Essdara offers a slight smile and a nod. "The pleasure has been mine entirely, ma'am." She says, with equal formality. "Clear skies to you and to Zalmayth, and welcome again to High Reaches." She stands, offering a polite curtsey.

rp, first-meeting, lake, nari, essdara

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