
Aug 07, 2006 16:37

Who: Asynnida, Essdara
Where: Stores
Comment: The morning after Dara tells Syn some truths

Early morning, not that you can tell in the dark of the storerooms. Amazingly, noone has stumbled onto the pile of cusions that acted as a bed for Dara and Syn; miracles do happen. Dara stirs, nestled next to Syn, and nuzzles at her shoulder as she slowly opens her eyes.

Asynnida is dead asleep, it seems, or, hardly asleep at all. The runner doesn't move as Dara nuzzles at her shoulder. She simply lays there, acting asleep.

Essdara doesn't seem to mind, as she wakes more fully with eyes open wider. She smiles slowly as she watches Syn sleep, or pretend to at least. She reaches up, brushing her fingertps over the girl's cheek, almost as if reassuring herself Syn is real.

Asynnida can't help but open her eyes and peek at Dara then, offering a small smile towards the other. "Mornin'..." She says softly, blushing a little. "What're you doin'... Dara?"

Essdara blushes, moving her hand quickly down to rest on her side. "Umm. Just being amazed that you are here, and real, and so very beautiful and wonderous." A soft giggle, "In other words, the usual... You weren't aslee?"

Asynnida giggles softly, "That's nice, Dara..." She murmurs, stretching out and nodding her head. "I can't sleep that much. Was up long ago.. I just didn't move..." She notes, giggling a bit more.

Essdara echoes her giggle, blushing more. "You didn't have to stay, you could have gone... I wouldn't have minded, though I would be lying to say I'm not thrilled you didn't."

Asynnida shakes her head a bit. "It'd be rude..." She says softly, nuzzling into Dara. "I wanted to see you awake before I left, too..."

Essdara laughs, just a little. "I don't think 'rude' is the right word." A pout. "There will be mornings I have to sneak away before you wake up. I'm in the kitchens before dawn most days."

Asynnida nuzzles Dara. "I think it is.. For me." She says softly, slipping away from Dara. "I know... And, I have to go now... I'll see you tonight, Dara..." And with that, the runner wiggles her fingers and heads out.

Essdara calls out after her, smiling, "I love you. Be safe, Synnie." She stands, slowly straightening up things, and then off to her own work.

asynnida, rp, stores, essdara

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