
Aug 07, 2006 16:32

Who: Asynnida, Essdara
Where: Kitchen, Stores
Comment: This is a day or two after the pair have slept together.

Asynnida trots into the kitchens, after Kierom has left and peeks around for Dara. The runner flushes a color of pink and scoots away from the entrance, looking shy and embarrassed for even being in the kitchens in the first place.

Essdara is working away at cleaning up her station, humming quietly and smiling as she does so. Knives, freshly cleaned, are slipped into the bundle they lived in, which is rolled up and tied. A rag is used to wipe downthe surfaces; though mostly clean, they still get an end-of-shift scrub. Herb jars arranged, adn the station is ready for the next day.

Asynnida notices Dara and simply turns another shade, taking to a red color now. She glances around quickly then skitters over towards Dara, keeping as quiet as she can. "Dara?" She chimes out softly, looking around quickly then back towards the other.

Essdara looks over and smiles brightly, "Synnie! I was just finishing up!" She waves the girl over and gives her a tight hug. "I'm done for the day, but I do have those tarts for you. I assume you like caramel?"

Asynnida smiles, moving over and hugging Dara back. "I see..." She trails and nods. "I'm glad I didn't come too early. I was worried about that." A pause and she nods her head, "I do... They sound good already..." She says, "And messy..."

Essdara giggles, "Not too messy, and you are always welcome here, Synnie. Ain't noone gonna give you trouble. Well, 'cept the people who don't like me and they can get stuffed." A few dark looks directed at her at that, but there's nothing new there. A tight squeeze, and she moves to a warming rack to pull a tray off. "Love making these, they are always so yummy."

Asynnida giggles softly, "Okay, don't like making lots of messes." She notes, nodding her head. "Okay. I'm glad.. Don't want to make any trouble." She doesn't notice the dark looks, she's watching Dara. "You going to have some too?" She asks, raising a brow.

Essdara grins, "Would I make you eat alone, dearheart?" She carries the tray over to the table in the corner, motioning her along behind. "Technically, they aer tartlets, but I always felt that was a silly word. Tartlet. I made a few for the Weyrwoman this morning, but that was an excuse to use work time to cook for you."

Asynnida shrugs her shoulders a bit, giggling and then following behind Dara. "Tartlets?" She asks, blinking. "Small tarts? It's like someone saying... Kidlet." The runner notes idly, then smiling. "That's bad, Dara. Though, I'm glad you made 'em..."

Essdara waves a hand, "I did double duty over a week while Tali was sick, they owe me some leeway. And yes, exactly! That's exactly what it's like!" She settles into a seat, offering the one next to her. "Kierom still unhappy about us?"

Asynnida nods, "I didn't think it worked like that." She notes, blinking. "Oh.. I don't like when anyone uses that. It sounds weird." She laughs, sitting down beside the other, shaking her head. "Nope. He isn't. We talked about it."

Essdara nods, "Well, good then, cause I'm certainly not giving you up." A grin, and the tray is moved between them; there's 4 tartlets on it. "Please, have one, they are really good. Took me ages to learn to make them, too. When you boil the caramel to melt it, you have to do it just right, or you end up with filling that is either runny, or too hard. Usually runny. It was one of the earlier desserts I learned, and I never make them anymore...

Asynnida smiles, "I'm glad. He just wants me to tell him that things go okay, or if things go bad." She says, peeking at the tartlets before taking one. "They look good, Dara." She nods her head a bit, taking to examining the tartlet. "Oh... You never make them anymore?" She blushes a bit, "I feel special that you made 'em..." The runner then takes a bite from the one she holds.

Essdara grins a bit and picks one up herself. "They are a pain. But I wanted to. Kierom... He can be a very good friend. He was to me, once. It's good that he wants to look out for you, as long as he doesn't make assumptions about me."

Asynnida lets out a soft mm, nodding a head. "What happened... Other than you two being close?" She asks softly, taking another small bite.

Essdara shrugs. "It's not anything to worry about. He just... He said some very hurtful things, and things I can't readily forget he said." Another bite forestalls any elaborating she may have planned.

Asynnida hms softly, furrowing her brows. "I'd like to now..." She says softly, popping the rest of the tartlet into her mouth and letting out another mmm.

Essdara sighs, and sets the rest of hers down. "It's important to you, Synnie, to know this?" She asks, quietly.

Asynnida looks at Dara, slightly widening her eyes. "I don't know, but... I want to make it better..." She says softly, looking away from Dara. "You don't have to tell me, I just... I don't like you and Kierom being on bad terms...""

Essdara sighs, softly. "That would be a yes, then. OK, Synnie. Kierom was one of my better friends, back before the Turn's End party. I was different, then, myself. Just starting to find myself, find some value in myself. Aida had a lot to do with that, and even more after the party. I trusted him, and confided in him, and talked with him a lot. Even slept with him the day after the party." Her tone is matter of fact, though she looks down saying it. "After, K'sar was in the infirmary, and Kierom and I got distant. It seemed, to me, that he had a deep interest in K'sar, and he didn't really talk to me anymore. Then one day, he walked in on K'sar and I having an argument. I was leaving, when out of nowhere he laid into me, about how bad a person I was, how hurtful I was, and how all I was was a slut who'd sleep with anything that asked. I left pretty quickly after that, but... After that, I just can't trust him. I know he was going through rough times, and he was kicked out of the guards soon after. And I forgive him for what he said and did. But I can't forget, and I can't trust him."

Asynnida listens quietly, nodding her head a bit. She doesn't say anything, simply listening to Dara. The runner looks intently at her, keeping focused. Though, her facial expression begins to change. One of hurt and another of confusion. Her eyes cast down and she sighs softly. "I don't... Know why he'd say anything... Like that. He's so nice to me..." She murmurs sadly.

Essdara says, softly. "He was in a hard time, Synnie. He is a good person, I think. He'll be a good friend for you. And... Synnie, you should understand, I haven't led the most... Um.. Discreet of lives so far. I have things inside me, that I don't like. And for a long time, I felt my only worth was in who I could bring pleasure to. What he said, it hurt. Not because it was false, but because he knew how hard I was trying to not be that person anymore."

Asynnida nods her head a bit, scooting over closer to Dara and attempting to wrap her arms around the older girl in an upset and sad manner. "But still..." She murmurs, "Things inside you?" She asks softly, blinking at Dara with confusion. "You're not going to be like that anymore, are you.. Dara?"

Essdara shakes her head, gently hugging Asynnida. "No, dearheart. I value myself more, now. I do. I'm slowly winning over the things that make me hate myself, but it's not easy. I... It's why I have so many nightmares. Why I never sleep. But I have friends, and I have people who care about me." She smiles shyly, "And I have you, Synnie. That means so much to me."

Asynnida hugs Dara tightly, sighing softly. "I'm glad.. I don't... Want you to be like that.. It's not right." She murmurs, "To think that..." She gently nuzzles into Dara, pouting a bit. "You'll get better. I want to help you.." The girl smiles back, just as shy. "I'll do my best for you, Dara..."

If anyone in the kitchens looks oddly at the snuggling girls, it doesn't seem to phaze Dara. She smiles softly at Asynnida and nods. "I know you will. And I will do my best for you, because you deserve nothing less." She hugs her tight, and gives a tender, if brief, kiss. "Some things are hard to get over, to accept as part of myself. But with you, I feel I have the strength that I can."

Asynnida blushes a bit, smiling happily. "I'm glad..." She says softly, shyly accepting and returning the kiss. "I'll help you.. Well, I try to help you get better, Dara... You shouldn't have to feel like that..." She whispers, resting against Dara now, blushing still. "You want to leave the kitchen...?"

Essdara rubs her shoulder softly, and nods. "Yeah. Let's go somewhere quiet? I... There's something I want to talk to you about. About me. I think... It's hard, but it's something I want you to know."

Asynnida nods her head, smiling. "Okay..." She says, pulling from Dara and plucking up a tartlet, not letting it go to waste. "Where will we go?" She asks and then bites into the tartlet, peeking at Dara curiously.

Essdara grins a bit, "Dunno. Is it still raining outside?" She seems content to leve the pastrie; they'll get eaten. "A walk in the bowl, maybe? Or maybe, if it's really nice, that clearing on the road out?"

Asynnida nods her head a bit, "It is still raining..." She says, smiling a bit, "We should go somewhere covered." She says, putting the rest of the tartlet into her mouth and mms softly. "I'll let you pick where..."

Essdara looks around, then shrugs and turns them around, tugging Synnie off towards the stores. "When in doubt, it's always empty in here, and even when it's not, it's huge."

*** Into the stores they go ***

Asynnida enters the stores with a bright smile, "I haven't been here in almost forever!" She exclaims happily, seeming more relaxed and in place here. She lets out a happy sigh and peeks at Dara. "What do you want to tell me?"

Essdara keeps a tight grip on Synnie's and, confidently walking off into the stores. "This is where I usually come when I want to be alone. Well, before Roa was attacked, kinda put me off them." She lapses quiet for a minute or so. "Synnie... I... I know what I want to tell you, and I don't know how to say it. I've only ever told two people. One when I was drunk, and one because she forced it out of me."

Asynnida continues smiling. "I had to stop coming in here for awhile because of her getting attacked. I wasn't scared or anything." She states, blinking as Dara goes quiet. She glances at the older girl and blinks. "What is it, Dara? It can't be that bad..." She says, trailing and offering a smile. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

Essdara looks down, watching their feet landing in front of them. "I mentioned that for a long time, I didn't see much worth in myself. That Kierom rightly said I'd sleep with about anything that moved. I want you to know /why/, Synnie. I want you to understand me. It is, to me, every bit as bad as anything. It made me want to die, at the time, it really did."

Asynnida comes to a stop, gripping onto Dara and then shyly shifting to place a kiss on her hand. "If you want to tell me, Dara.. You should. I won't think of you different.. I'm listening. I'll stay here." She looks downwards, blushing. "I'll try and make it better..."

Essdara sighs, and gives her hand a squeeze. "It's nothing you can make better, beloved." her other hand rests on her lower stomach. "I'm broken, Synnie, in here. And because of it, I'll never be able to... Well, to have kids..." She shakes her head. "I grew up in the nurseries, and always promised I would give my children a better life than that. And then I found out, I'd never have any to give it to."

Asynnida looks at Dara, "Why not...?" She asks softly, then, glancing at Dara's belly. "How...?" She trails off, letting out a soft oh. The runner's face shifts into a different look, one of sorrow. She looks downward and doesn't look up. "But..." Her tone is cracking, with tears. "You can foster...?"

Essdara says, softly, "I can, Synnie. But it's still... It's not the same, is it? It's just giving someone else's unwanted child a good home. And that is a wonderful thing, which I hope to do when older. But I always wanted my own. To be pregnant, to go through labor... I used to dream about it."

Asynnida rubs at her eyes a bit, not looking up at Dara. "No.. It's not..." She says softly, keeping herself from sniffling sadly. "Dara..." She murmurs, unsure what else to say.

Essdara reaches over and touches her cheeks. "I'm learning to live with it. Slowly. I've learned, at least, that there is more to being a woman than being able to give a husband or weyrmate children."

Asynnida sniffles sadly,, brushing at her eyes. "But... How.. Did you find out?" She asks softly, "What happened?" A pause, "Dara... I think.. You could do a lot more..." She whispers, "You don't need to..."

Essdara lays a hand on Syn's cheek, her thump softly wiping at the tears. "When I was a bit younger than you are now, I went to see the healers. I'd had all the right growth spurts, all the right development... Well, ok, I don't have the breasts some people do, but they are there. But I went to ask them why I wasn't getting a monthly... We talked a long time, she looked me over, we waited a few more months... But I never started. And, without that, there's nothing else."

Asynnida looks at Dara, sniffling a bit and brushing at her eyes. "Oh..." She murmurs, keeping a bit quiet. "It... Must be hard..." She says softly, closing her eyes and allowing her head to drop as she attempts to stop crying.

Essdara wraps her arms around Asynnida, pullint her close and petting her hair. "Shh. I'm ok, I really am. It's not worth crying over, I've spilled more than enough tears for a lifetime over this."

Asynnida sniffles a bit more and wraps her arms around Dara, resting against the older girl. "If you say so.. Dara.. Are you sure you're okay...?" She murmurs her question softly, nuzzling into Dara.

Essdara pets her hair softly. "I'm going to be ok. It will take a long time, I think, before this stops hurting. If it ever does. But I am learning how to cope with it more, how to not let it ruin my life."

Asynnida hugs Dara tightly, nodding a bit. "Okay..." She murmurs, "I don't want you to hurt, I want to stop you from hurting, Dara... I wish... I could." She whispers, letting out a sigh. "Promise you'll be okay..?"

Essdara kisses her hair softly, "I promise, Asynnida. As much as I can." She reaches up to gently lift Syn's face to her. "And I trust you to help me be that way, Synnie. I trust you with everything I am."

Asynnida sniffles a bit, glancing up at Dara as she lifts her head up. "I will.. I want to..." She says softly, quickly trying to hide her eyes away from Dara. "Please... Don't look at me crying... Dara..."

Essdara shakes her head a little, and once more tries to lift her face, to lean over and softly kiss where the tears trickle from her eyes. "No, my love. When you cry, I want to be here. To hold you, to comfort you, and to make them go away. Esepcially since it's me you are crying for."

Asynnida shyly turns her head, trying to blink back the tears. Her eyes close and she lets out a soft sigh. "But... Dara..." She whispers, "I.. Feel strange when I cry..." Peeking her eyes open, she lets her lips drop into a pout. "Dara...."

"We all feel strange when we cry. But isn't it nicer to be held, than to cry alone?" Dara smiles, lowering her hands to Syn's shoulders. "Yes, Synnie?"

Asynnida allows her lips to work into a sad smile and the runner shakes her head. "I was going to say more about how I don't want you to see..." She says, letting out another sigh and moving to rest against Dara.

Essdara smiles and pets Syn lightly. "Then I am glad you seem to not feel the need." A soft, happy sigh. "Would it help if I told you something happier about myself, something far nicer than what I told you is sad?"

Asynnida laughs slightly, then, nods her head. "Please, Dara?" She asks, tilting her head a bit. The runner hugs Dara once more, tightly. Not all that willing to let her go.

Essdara smiles, tilting her head towards Syn to meet her eyes. "I was sad for a very long time, and made very bad choices. And then, after many other things that also made me sad, I had almost given up... I met a girl. And she is special, and wonderful. She holds me when I have bad dreams, pets me when I want to cry, kisses me when I am lonely. She's terribly innocent, but that doesn't stop her from being with me. And I love her, and nothing makes me happier."

Asynnida watches Dara, blinking as she hears this one. She smiles and closes her eyes. "Dara?" She asks softly, "Where is the girl? And, why did she leave...?" She asks, her tone is soft as she speaks. Confusion in it as well.

Essdara giggles, softly. "Did I mention how innocent she is? She doesn't even know when I am talking about her. Perhaps I would have to kiss her? Or take her to a quiet bed, and spend the night with her? What would it take, I wonder, to get her to realise it?"

Asynnida blinks, giving the older girl a long hard look. "You're talking about me...?" She asks, blinking once more and then wrinkling her nose. "You're confusing me... Dara.." Though, the runner blushes a nice shade of red in her embarrassment.

Essdara smiles, hugging her close, "I shallhave to, then, say it more plainly. Synnie, I love you." She grins to the girl with her, "Is that less confusing to hear?"

Asynnida blushes and takes to hiding her face against Dara. She lets out a soft giggle, nodding her head a bit. "I do... Too." She whispers, though, making an attempt at disappearing against Dara.

Essdara's smile could light the stores. "Ahh, Synnie. I don't know where you came from, or how I never met you here, but... I am glad we found each other finally." She grins and attempts to extract her. "Is it such a bad thing to be loved, that you have to hide from it, dearheart?"

Asynnida takes to murmuring softly, "I came from the Weyr... And hid in the far corners of the Stores... Away from people...." She pauses, nodding her head. "I am too, Dara..." The runner doesn't release her grip on Dara, nor does she try to stop disappearing. "No... I just..." She trails, giggling softly, "I don't want to be seen..."

Essdara asks, softly, "Why? You are beautiful, you are wonderful, and you are my beloved. Nothing makes me happier than seeing your face, except to see it smiling."

Asynnida laughs, shaking her head. "Because it is red..." She offers, nuzzling into Dara and then slightly pulling herself away and peeking at the older girl.

Essdara is smiling as she watches her. "That's just an added bonus, my love. I am simply proud beyond words to be able to love you. I just... I feel like waking up all my friends, just to remind them that I do."

Asynnida blinks, tilting her head to the side. "Why is that a bonus?" She asks softly, allowing her lips to form in a grin and her face works into a redder color. "That'd be... Silly, Dara. And, I think they'd be mad at you waking them up..."

Essdara smiles. "Whyis you being red a bonus? Because you are extra cute when you blush. It's a weakness of mine. And it would be worth it! Though, waking Aida would be... Challenging. That girl can sleep! I needed her after bed one night, took me a half hour to wake her up enough to talk."

Asynnida lets out a whine like sound. "Dara, don't say that, it's not cute." She says, shaking her head a bit and then nuzzles against the older girl again. "I don't think it'd be worth it.. Trying to wake her up for so long only to tell her that..."

Essdara giggles and wraps her arms back around Syn to hug her close. "Then what do you propose we do, my love? Unless I have exhausted you, and you feel the need to go to sleep? Me, I'm decidedly too happy to sleep."

Asynnida shrugs her shoulders a bit, glancing at Dara. "No... I'm not tired, I have a hard time being tired..." She says, shifting herself in Dara's arms a bit. "You're silly... I'll miss you..." She notes, nuzzling into Dara again.

Essdara blinks. "Miss me? Am I going somewhere?" A confused tone to her voice. "I'm only ever in the kitchens, or not far away. Finding me isn't too difficult, just follor the rumors."

Asynnida giggles a bit, "I'm going when the weather clears up..." She says, "Probably be back at night, depending when I go. If it's too late, I'll not be back until the next say." She notes, giggling a bit. "I'll probably be quick."

Essdara takes a moment to work it out. "Oh. Running to the hold?" She makes a face, "Well, I can hardly begrudge you that, though I'll miss you too." A grin, "And you know where my cot is, if you get back after bedtime." An impish smile. "Maybe someday I could come along? Or would I slow you down too much?"

Asynnida nods her head, smiling. "I do... I'll just curl up with you, likely to be cold so you can warm me up." She says, blushing a very dark shade. "I'd like for you to come, but, you'd get scared..."

Essdara frowns. "Scared? Why? I am not /that/ easily scared, dearheart." Moer nuzzling in her hair. "And, my love, it would make me happy indeed to warm you up when you return. I am betting we will definately find ways of doing that, no?" She glances around, and spotting some stored cusions, drags Syn over. A couple are tossed down and she sits down heavily on them. "Now tell me how you are braver than me."

Asynnida laughs, "Because..." She says softly, giggling. She grins then, nodding. "I'm glad, I get really cold." Following Dara as she drags her, she settles onto a cushion and close up to Dara. "I'm not... Exactly the smartest person when I'm out alone..."

A young woman, rather average height for her age. She stands about 5'5", and, she's still growing. Though, any sort of growth isn't visible. She's got thin, almost lanky limbs, rather awkward in appearance as she's yet to grow into her form. Her bust, being of a growing girl's is, in fact, small. But, one can tell. The girl's form matches her limbs, thin and rather lanky. She's got a fair workout, making her stronger in her arms and legs. Back towards her head area, the girl has rather thin cheeks, small, thin lips as well. Her nose is rather petite, not very fitting with her overall facial features. Her eyes are rather large, shaded in a dark brown, also working to give her features a different appearance. Brown-blonde locks of hair curl about her face, framing it delicately. Though, far from delicate when trying to work with the hair. It is, more or less, a matted mess of hair, smoothed over just enough to be presentable. Not being one for dresses, and, weather really prevents such. The girl wears rather loose fitting winter clothes, to hide the appearance of her lanky thin shape. Though, such clothes are avoided in summer and spring, she just tends to wear lighter clothing. Most clothing of hers tends to fall in shades of blues and deep browns, nothing standing out. On her arm is a simple residents knot, marking her residency.

"What do you mean?" Dara asks curiously, putting an arm around her and pulling her in close. "You don't go out without checking the charts and such, do you? Cause if I have to worry about /you/ in threadfall, I think I might go insane!"

Asynnida shakes her head. "No, I do check!" She says, humming softly and then resting happily against Dara. "I kind of... Jumped off a cliff?" She says, laughing a bit. "I made.. It break, I fell. I think I was lucky I didn't hit my head, got hurt though. Took a long time to climb up, not a lot to grip on.. And considering a lot of the other factors, I was lucky to get back. AT least the weather was nice, though...

Essdara raises a brow. "And... Is this a common occurance, dearheart? Getting hurt? I mean, I'm clumsy as can be, see the healers once or twice a fortnight, but nothing that could kill me. Mostly. The stew pot someone spilled on me was nasty... Ahem! Sounds to me, dear, like you need someone with you to keep that from happening!

Asynnida ums, nodding her head a bit. "I make sure I won't die or anything..." She says, nuzzling into Dara. "I did it on purpose... Along with all the other things I was doing..." She trails, quieting now.

Essdara closes her eyes and sighs. "So, what you are telling me is, 'Hope she is searched cause then I won't have to worry about her for a whole turn'?"

Asynnida blinks a bit, "What're you talking about, Dara?" She asks, tilting her head and then shifting to place a kiss on Dara's nose in a shy manner.

Essdara blushes a bit at the kiss. "Because you're going to get hurt on the ground, and it would give me your time as a weyrling to at least know you won't be?"

Asynnida laughs a bit and wraps her arms around Dara, "I'm not going to get hurt. I make sure I won't. I just find a thrill in that kind of thing..." She giggles then, as well. "I probably won't get searched, much less impress, Dara."

Essdara chuckles and nudges Syn's nose with her own. "You can have my spot out there, Syn. It'll just go to waste, otherwise. It would make me happy as can be to see you as a Rider."

Asynnida mms softly, "If you get a spot, you go. It means that you're likely to get picked, not me." She nuzzles into Essdara and shifts her position a bit. "Why would it make you so happy, Dara?"

Essdara smiles, "Because it would make you happy, Synnie. Because you are what the Weyr needs, someone who is adventurous, someone not afraid of danger, someone willing to put themself in harm's way to get a job done."

Asynnida hms and nods, "It would.. I'd love to be a rider. See what the sky is like..." She blinks, giggling a bit. "I'm like that. I guess that's what the Weyr needs... Then again, it might be bad."

Essdara chuckles softly, "You... Sound a lot like another rider I know, that's all. I think he'd like you." She touches Syn's cheek, stroking in soft, slow motions. "Have you ever been up at all, Syn? Other than to someone's weyr?"

Asynnida tilts her head, "Who? I probably don't know 'im but, who?" She asks, closing her eyes and shaking her head. "No, but, doing it a lot seems like it'd be fun. I'd like to go high..."

"You do know him. And her, for that matter. T'zen and Tavaly. Not an ounce of fear between them. They fell in love while he was giving her clandestine flying lessons, and from what I've gathered, they did some daring stuff..." Dara smiles softly. "I will ask Tava if she'll take us up, show us the weyr from very high... It's amazing." A kiss at her cheek. "I love you, Synnie." She says, softly.

Asynnida laughs, nuzzling up to Dara. "I'll do better than them both..." She whispers softly, "Okay.. As long as she doesn't snap at me again..." Syn rests now, relaxing against Dara and not shifting herself too much. "I do too, Dara..."

Essdara is quiet for a long time, a contented silence falling over them as they snuggle on the cushions. Dara closes her eyes, with a long, slow breath, ending in a sigh of pure happiness.

Asynnida begins giggling, very softly. "I love this..." She murmurs to Dara. "It's nice.. And quiet." The girl nuzzles into the older one, wrapping her arms around her and nuzzling again until she's quite comfortable.

Essdara shivers at the nuzzles with a soft laugh. "I've never felt so content just to sit in silence. But holding you... Is anything in the world better?" She rubs Syn's shoulder lightly, where she holds her. "I have no will or energy to move."

Asynnida giggles, allowing her legs to stretch out, "Silence is nice too..." She murmurs, shaking her head at the question. "Nor do I.. I just want to lay here with you..."

Essdara giggles softly, "You know, I don't even have the willpower to try to kiss you, much as I want to. It's shocking what you've done to me."

Asynnida mms softly, giggling. "What have I done to you, Dara?" She asks, smiling sweetly. The runner isn't moving, content in her position, currently.

Essdara sighs, in mock sadness. "You made me happy. You made me content. You sat in my lap, and made me immobile. Can we sit like this forever?"

Asynnida giggles and nods. "We can stay like this as long as you'd like..." She trails, nose wrinkling. "Or, until someone finds us..."

Quiet, for a long time. Dara is lost in thought as she holds her lover. Slowly, ever so slowly, her eyes drift shut. She relaxes, her breathing slowing down as tiredness and contentment start overcoming her.

Asynnida wiggles a bit against Dara, giggling softly and then hiding herself into the older girl while continuing to giggle. Obviously, the runner isn't tired...

Essdara starts, waking up with a few blinks, just before toppling over. "Mrf? Synnie?" A small shake of the head to clear it, and she blushes. "Did I just...?"

Asynnida giggles,"Did you what? Dara" She asks softly, peeking at Dara in a teasing manner, giggling more.

Essdara blushes more. "Umm. Fall asleep? It's just... It's been a long day, which is most of them, and you make me relax a lot."

Asynnida lets out a small mm and nods her head, slipping her arms around Dara. "You were... Maybe we should sleep here..."

Essdara giggles softly, "Tempting, but I think someone'd find us eventually." She yawns. "Mmm. Always sleep better, have less nightmares, when I have someone with me." She runs fingers through Syn's hair. "You'll keep my nightmares away for me, some nights?"

Asynnida smiles, nuzzling into Dara. "That's good..." She murmurs and then nods. "Of course.. Your nightmares bug me, so, I'll keep them away from you..."

Essdara grins softly. "Good. Cause I hate bugging Aida all the time. Have you met her, at all?"

Asynnida blinks, "You'd sleep with her?" The runner asks softly then shakes her head. "I haven't..."

"/Slept/ with her, only, dearheart. Nothing more." Dara says, softly. "It's... Something I only discovered a few months before the end of the turn, that there was comfort in just being close to a friend." A soft kiss. "Does it bother you?"

Asynnida lets out a soft hum, "Okay..." She murmurs, not mother to shift herself from her spot. She softly kisses Dara back, shaking her head. "No, it does... Just wondering..."

Essdara nuzzles softly. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable, Syn. I just... I'm a very physically affectionate person. I... I worry that something I've done, and no I have nothing specific in mind, will upset you. Or that I will do something wrong, and upset you. LIke with Ana."

*** Scene ends ***

asynnida, rp, stores, kitchen, essdara

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