A day in the infirmary

Jul 12, 2006 19:51

Who: K'sar, Neiran, Rysia, Kierom, Essdara
Where: Infirmary, HRW
When: Day 10, Turn 2
Comment: I left early due to a RL situation that had to be dealt with, but it was intense until then.

Neiran's dark eyes rest on K'sar's face for a long moment, considering. He draws himself to his full height again, thin lips pursed in thought. "K'sar, if the pain is severe, I will prescribe something more potent to relieve your muscle spasms. I do not wish, however, to eliminate the returning sensation in your legs if it is a comfort to you. However, I would wish to lessen the severity of your spasms. What is your preference?"

Rysia is standing off to one side, a basket of knitting stuff held to her, a chair dragged off to one side.

"I..can deal with the pain. It's the nearly tossing me on the floor part that is getting tiring." K'sar replies. "Pain at least means that I'm not dead, r..rr..right?" He tries to smile, but it looks more like a rictus grin than anything else, another spasm hitting him at the end of the sentence, drawing a faint whimper through those clenched teeth and arching him up off the bed once more, shaking him like a pup worries a rag toy. Tears slip from beneath clenched-shut lids and his nostrils flare as he tries to breathe through the agony.

It is 20:17 on day 10, month 1, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.

Essdara comes in quietly, carrying her typical small tray of edible delicacies. She moves across the infirmary on light feet, but stops a short way away from the bronzerider's bed when she sees that the healer is there. For the moment, she simply watches; Rysia seems to go unnoticed.

Kierom enters from the living cavern.

Kierom sneaks in as well, quietly and peers over at the dragonrider as he notices the Healer and a couple others around, and keeps his distance a little, with a hint of concern flashing through his eyes.

Neiran reaches out and puts a hand on K'sar's chest, a firm touch meant to ground the dragonrider as well as to physically hold him on the bed. A moment later, and he deems both hands necessary in his gentle restraint, standing there calmly while he endures his spasm. Neiran lifts his head, looking to catch the eye of someone else in the infirmary. With K'sar's thrashing, naturally curious eyes are already on them; it takes but a glance to inspire an aide to come to him, so he can murmur a low prescription to be retrieved. "A tea of adders-tongue, dwale, and scullcap. One numbweed tablet. Valerian tincture." The assistant scurries off to retrieve such things, and Neiran's attention returns to K'sar, watching his plight with a neutral, but mildly softened impassivity.

Rysia just continues to watch off to one side, as the healer does his thing, tucking the basket to just below her head, as her face, up to the nose, ends up hiding in the knitted part - well, after pushing the knitting needles to one side.

Essdara moves over to the rider's bedside, setting the tray down on the next cot over - which she proceeds to sit on. She offers a quiet "Hello, K'sar. Neiran." To the pair, then goes back to quietly watching and staying out of the way.

K'sar eventually collapses back to the bed, whimpering softly and trembling all over. However - legs shift beneath the covers - just a little - as the dragonrider tries to ease the last ripples of pain in his back. The back of one hand lifts to wipe at his cheek and he whispers, hoarsely, "...Dara..."

Kierom keeps back for a few moments, chewing on his lower lip for just a monent before moving to the rider's bed near Dara and away from the Healer, just glancing and checking on the rider and doesn't say anything yet.

Neiran spares Essdara only a frown. This is his piece of the infirmary, and he's dealing with a patient in extreme distress. Preserving dignity is difficult to do when there's tons of hangers-on. He leans over K'sar again, turning his lips towards the dragonrider's ear, voice lowered. "If you want privacy, tell me." He stands straight again, in time to receive his required items from the returning aide. The tea needs time to steep, but in the meantime he draws the dropper from the small tincture bottle, lifting it. "K'sar, open your mouth and tilt your head back. This tincture tastes unpleasant, but I'll wash it down with water, and tea shortly," he promises smoothly. Kierom earns a small frown, as well.

K'sar murmurs "No...s'alright. They've been helping me through this." His voice is hoarse as he follows Neiran's instructions and tips his head back, opening his mouth and sticking his tongue out a little to try and get it down his throat and not on his tongue.

Essdara looks unperturbed, though she doesn't seem to feel the need to reply. She offers Kierom a slight smile, then looks back to the bronzerider with an expression of sadness and worry.

Rysia's expression is mostly hidden, thanks to the bits of stuff she's stuffed her face half-into; Essdara and Kierom both get a glance, but again, nothing is said. Perhaps everyone is afraid of the healer. Or, just worried about the rider.

Kierom moves and puts his hand on Dara's back and return's Dara's smile quickly, his eyes going back to watch the bronzerider and tries to keep out of the way.

Neiran follows up the shot of valerian with the promised water, offering K'sar a careful sip so that none pours down his chin. "Now, take this." A small, pill-like tablet is held above the man's mouth, water at the ready, to wash down the pill. He can't help but be conscious of his audience, sparing the assembly another look. He doesn't shrink into self-consciousness, but remains mellow, if mildly disgruntled, in the face of their presences. "You are all witnessing the proper administration of a tincture and a pill to a horizontal patient, as well as the correct way to deliver hydration." His dry, snappish tone holds the unspoken addition: You'd better be learning something from this, and not just gawking.

K'sar swallows and swallows and ignores the 'lesson' aspect to just get the damned drugs into his system before he loses all control again. A hand lifts to wipe at his chin and cheeks again, can't look like he was crying in front of all of these people. Big, brave, bronzerider in tears... "Thanks, Neiran." he whispers, muscles jerking and twitching in his back, making his shoulders shift and hands tremble. "If this is what I have to suffer, to get my legs back, so be it." is whispered, almost under his breath.

"The Valarian will keep him relaxed, maybe make him sleepy. The scullcap should help with the leg spasms, and I guess the adder's tongue might as well. Dwale seems a bit strong, isn't it usually for full-on fits, the whole body kind?" Dara's voice is curious, unoffensive.

Rysia bites her lip, then makes a face, and lowers the basket so that she doesn't try to eat the yarn again. Dara gets a slightly startled look, but no questions, instead glancing towards the living cavern. But no, not this time, or at least, not yet.

Kierom nods slightly and just stands back slightly, paying attention and watching the brozerider with a little concern that he tries to cover.

Neiran seems surprised to find a participatory student amongst those watching. He lifts his head and looks to Dara, withdrawing the cup of water. He reigns in the arch of his brows, recalling facial neutrality as he steps down the cot a little, reaching to squeeze at K'sar's legs once more. He doesn't stop, this time, continuing to squeeze the muscles of his calves, essentially massaging sensation into them, even despite the audience. "Yes. Dwale is strong, but it will be administered in a smaller dose than the other herbs. You are correct. Adder's tongue is also an anti-spasmodic when administered in tea form. The numbweed pill will serve as an anodyne. The pain and spasms are severe enough to warrant it. The relief will come gradually," he says, this last directed to K'sar, "and in perhaps an hour. You are doing well at braving the spasms, and will continue to do so until then."

K'sar nods a little to Neiran's words, hissing softly as his legs are massaged. "D..dara and Tavvy have been m..massaging my legs a lot." He wets his lips, then looks from one to the other. "Please...sit, or help him rub...or something. I feel like I'm on deathwatch here." A forced laugh and he closes his eyes, leaning into the pillows a little more, arms trembling, legs jerking and flinching under the massage.

Essdara nods to Neiran. "I see, that makes sense." At K'sar's request, she stands a bit. "If you like, K'sar, but I don't want to get in the way. And when you feel up to it, I brought a late meal for you, if you can bring yourself to force it down."

Rysia moves slightly, then holds still for a long moment, before coming to a decision, crossing over to the other side of the bed, dropping the basket to one side, freeing her other hand, the better to slip into one of 'Sar'. "I don't know about that, but it looks like Dara outdid herself - again..." nodding towards the platter.

Kierom nods slowly and moces a little closer to K'sar. "I'd offer," he finally speaks, "but it seems you have several takers at this point and I don't want to be in too much of the way."

Neiran continues to rub towards the head, encouraging blood flow towards K'sar's heart. "I would prefer that he have his meal after he has drunk his tea. It should be ready to be consumed now." He releases K'sar's legs, moving for the teapot. Essdara is given a look minimally less stern than the one she received when she entered; she's earned temporary approval. Calmly, he lifts the pot and begins to pour, keeping one eye on K'sar, wary.

K'sar smiles at the offering of food. "Maybe once the drugs work? I wouldn't want to ch..cho..." Eyes widen and he moans softly as the muscles begin to knot, tendons taut and muscles bowstright tight from nape of neck to toes, shortening in his back until his shoulders dig into the pillows and his chest lifts off the bed. Breathing hitches and catches and his jaw clenches as K'sar's legs bounce on the bed, twitching and flailing. Eyes roll back and close and it seems to last a hell of a lot longer than the twenty seconds or more that it really does.

Essdara nods to them both. "It's not going anwhere, and it's cold-serve anyway, so it will keep. Counting on him to be awae when I come in is not always sane." She looks to Rysia, with a faint blush. "I'd do no less for /any/ of my friends in K'sar's position. He deserves everything I can give."

Rysia's breath expells with a slight hiss as the hand that is in K'sar's gets rather... pinched, as the spasms hit again. Once he's done, does she process what has been said, and looks over at Dara, "I never said otherwise, Dara. Said before you should be 'llowed to do more."

Neiran nearly drops the cup in his haste to whirl around, and plant securing hands on K'sar's chest, and legs. He frowns, the angular lines in his face more pronounced with his terse expression of displeasure as he holds K'sar down. There's nothing he can do but wait, frowning, holding the bronzerider so he doesn't bounce his way right off the bed. Despite the slenderness of his arms, he has wiry muscle employed just for occasions like this - you can't rise to Journeyrank without hauling a body or ten.

Kierom nods at Dara, smiling faintly at the plate, his face turning to concern when he sees the rider spasm and the HEaler move towards him. "Anything I can do to help?" he asks Neiran.

Essdara lapses quiet as K'sar twitches, expression growing much more worried. She shrinks back against the cot, looking rather lost and helpless on what to do for the poor man.

K'sar looks up at Neiran as the seizure ends, eyes glazed. "Please..." he whispers, begging the healer. "Make it ease...please?" Hoarse voice and exhausted body, twitching more.

Dananth is absolutely silent, but his eyes are whirling worriedly and there is a decided air of tension around the big bronze in an empty couch. It was too cold for him to stay outside, hovering.

"There is nothing more I can do immediately," Neiran replies softly. "We have to wait for the medication I have given you to take action. In the meantime, drink this tea." He turns, retrieving the cup he put down so hastily, bending to offer it to K'sar. Before he tips it, however, he blows carefully over the mug, ushering away steam and a portion of the beverage's heat - a further test with a pinkie ensures it really is an acceptable temperature, and he offers it to K'sar. "No," he tells Kierom.

K'sar sips at the tea, trying to ignore what heat is left and get it down his throat. He knows the teas, as much as he hates them, help him and right now, he'd drink firestone ash in runner's milk if it was going to make this stop.

Kierom blinks at the Healer for a moment, a flash of some emotion crossing his face briefly and quickly. Was it anger? Hurt feelings? Hard to tell since it was hidden quickly and he turns his attention away from the Healer completely and towards the rider. His expression is one of concern now as he watching the rider without saying anything.

Essdara sighs softly and shakes her head. "Neiran, how long until he gets better?" She carefully doesn't say if. "Shouldn't be be improving by now? Seeems like he is getting worse..."

"There." Neiran removes the mug when K'sar is done with them. Kierom's reaction is missed; he's too focused on his patient, for the most part, and summoning words with which to answer Essdara. "I do not know. We will be able to tell in an hour, when my medications take effect. Yesterday, he could not feel his legs. This is an improvement. Healing can often hurt." His prognosis of improvement has not changed, his opinion steadily offered. For now, he can only watch and wait, at K'sar's side should the man require more tea, or holding down once more. "If he is hungry, he might have some of what you have brought now, Essdara."

K'sar is...exhausted, not hungry. Well, not at the moment. He closes his eyes once the tea is done and focuses on slow, deep breaths. Slow, deep breaths that become slower, and deeper. He's starting to drift into sleep.

Kierom focuses on the dragonrider nodding slightly as his breathes become deeper and Kie touches the rider's shoulder softly be fore softly saying, "I do hopr he recovers soon."

K'sar's legs...shift...beneath the blanket as he settles deeper into sleep. Movement. Not spasms. But the drugs, and exhaustion, have put him quite securely into the realms of...dreams.

neiran, rp, infimiry, kierom, rysia, k'sar, essdara

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