A cook, a bronzerider, and a gimp

Jul 12, 2006 19:49

Who: Aida, K'sar, Essdara
Where: Infirmary, HRW
When: Day 9, Turn 2
Comment: Immidiate followup to the last log, the girls get Aida's foot bandage and visit the injured bronzer.

K'sar is sitting up, making the same face a child would, as he glops the porridge in his bowl with a spoon and stirs it around - not eating the grey, gooey mess.

Limp. Limp. A very soaked Aida comes limping into the infirmary from the tunnel to the bowl, her expression a fairly dark one. Given the wet, she apparently decided it would be fun to roll around in the snow until she was thoroughly coated with the stuff. Poor Dara is following, not terribly far behind. "Would you get me some of the cloth bandages from the shelf two over from the right in the alcove? Should be right there." That's requested of Dara, as she heads for the cots. There is under the breath grumbling.

Essdara scurries off to do as she is requested, and comes back over to meet Aida as she arrives at her destination. She holds them out for her, though her gaze drifts over to where K'sar lies - and his plight. She makes a face, "Oh, c'mon. They can't expect him to /eat/ that!" She is, if anything, offended. "What will it take to get them to give real food and not that... I won't even say what I think it is!"

K'sar looks up at the newest arrivals and arches one brow as he watches Aida. His gaze unfocuses for a moment, and he grumbles. "Bloody dragon misses all the good gossip." before he turns to Dara's words. A look of pure stoic sacrifice settles on his face and he lifts a small spoonful of the goo to his mouth. "I can do it. Really I can." is /sort of/ mumbled. Sort of said out loud.

Glancing over towards K'sar as she drops down to the cot, Aida studies him for a moment, then swings her gaze up to Dara. "Find out who he annoyed?" She suggests, unfolding the bandage and dropping it over her leg. She bends down then to start untying her boot, setting her jaw a bit as she does so. "Ask him if the healer said why he's being fed that."

Essdara shakes her head. "It's K'sar, he's probably annoyed everyone by now." She watches the girl's actions, now, with a soft expression. "Can I help at all, hon? Or is it best if you do it youtself? I know when I need something done that hurts, it hurts less."

"I can hear you." K'sar replies. "I'm not deaf, just crippled." The bowl hits the table with a loud *clack* and he snorts. "And they had a big pot of it and were just handing it out to everyone." His voice trails off as he sees the bandages and he frowns. "You alright? What happened? Dara...should I yell for a healer?" At least his lungs work, yeah.

Dropping her boot to the floor, Aida shakes her head at Essdara. "I've got it," she says. Her sock follows the boot, the cuff of her pant-leg is rolled up, and then she's poking and prodding at her ankle, doing her best not to wince. Of course, K'sar's words have her gaze lifting again to settle on him, one eyebrow lifting. "I'm fine, and there's no need for a healer, thank you." She frowns thoughtfully after a moment, then shakes her head and looks up to Dara again. "Without knowing if he's been given anything for the pain or the extent of his injuries, it's probably best that he stick with what he's got. Something more might make him ill." And it's back to poking, prodding, and pretending she's not wincing with every push.

"If you couldn't hear me, dearest bronzerider, it would have been a waste of a good tease." Essdara replies glibly. "And you would be better off yelling for a cook than a healer, to judge by your meal." She sighs and stands, clearly trying not to watch the girl pretend not to be hurting, clearly failing. "He did fine with the stew I brought him last night. You feeling any better, K'sar? How's the legs? Kierom get your blood flowing, or Rysia?" More teasing, the refuge of the uncomfortable.

K'sar rolls his eyes. "I said - I can /hear/ you." He looks from one to the other, then turns to Dara. "I can eat whatever I want. Neiran said it was fine. This was just convenient - but it is truly horrible. So, speaking of whom annoyed who - what's with miss soggy pants?" He adds, after a moment. "None got my blood flowing more than you, dear." And yes, there's a wink. He must /really/ want better food.

"Well, I should hope so, given that I spoke to you," Aida points out conversationally, nodding to herself and starting to wrap her ankle up carefully. "But you weren't the one asking about your food, she was. I-" she bites off whatever was going to come out next, falling quiet and setting her jaw again. Concentration goes to what she's doing.

Essdara says, "She fell, that's all, Kissy. You know how it gets out on the rocks in the dead of winter. Well, ok, you're pretty new here so maybe not, but Telgar shouldn't be any better. We've all fallen out there a few times." She glances at Aida. "I guesss I should practice manners. Aida, this is K'sar, bronze Dananth's rider, and the most dangerous bronzerider at the weyr. Be careful around him. Kissy," Twice in one conversation; someone's on edge. "This is Aida, and she actually works here in the infirmary. So I'd be /nice/ to her, or you might find Neiran rescinding my ability to bring you nice foods. Or at the least, my willingness!""

"I'm nice to Neiran. That's enough 'being nice' for anyone, isn't it?" K'sar grumbles. Yes, the dragonrider is definitely getting into the cranky patient mode. "Sorry you're hurt, Aida. You going to be okay?" then to Dara "I already owe you a dance, I can't promise much else until I know for sure that I'll be walking again - but I'll kiss you all you want if you bring me food that isn't akin to hide paste."

"Good to meet you, sir," Aida says, tone just a bit strained. She folds the bandage over on itself and tucks it in, then gives a light tug to make sure it's secure. Once she's certain, she grabs for her sock and boot, setting about pulling them both back on. "I will be fine. I just twisted my ankle a bit. Dara, if Neiran said it's ok for him to have food, then there's absolutely no reason he can't be brought something else besides the fact that we've not got the time here to be running back and forth all the time. If you're willing, then it's fine." Beat. "And she's being kind to me. I actually decided that I wanted to see if I could fly or not, so I jumped off a rock. Alas, no, I still cannot fly. My arms remain terrible wings."

Essdara rolls her eyes. She mutters softly, "My story, at least, was believable." She waits to make sure Aida is steady - she'd never abandon a friend, after all - and makes her way towards the bronzer. "I'm afraid, though, he's out of luck this meal. If I go into the kitchens now, they'll make me work, and I just am not up to that." She glances down at him, and asks again with more instance, "How are your legs, K'sar? You fell asleep last night as I was leaving, but you seemed in good hands." She looks over to Aida, then. "That feel better, then? I'm still sorry it happened, it was my fault you fell."

K'sar grumbles and tips his head back into the pillows. "They're still numb." The heel of one hand rubs about mid-chest. "So, no, no dancing this morning. And if you manage to snag a few meatrolls on the way by the tables in the cavern, I'd be forever grateful. And klah. Not this tea I keep drinking and drinking. Yeah, it's making the pain less but it sure as hell tastes foul. Weed-soaked water...bleh!"

"You'll have to excuse me," Aida says, tying the laces on her boot and lifting her gaze back to Dara. "I think my sense of humor got dropped out in the snow somewhere. Do I get points for effort, at least?" There's a wry grin flashed, and she sits up again, though she's not hopping up just yet. K'sar's words have her wrinkling up her nose, and she shakes her head. "I'll sweet talk someone when I leave here to bring you something up better," she offers. "But I would suggest against the klah? The tea really is probably the best idea right now. Would something sweet added to it help at all?"

Essdara sends a smile towards Aida. "You don't need points." She looks back to K'sar, "Yeah, we'll be sure someone brings something in. Nothing so nice as the stew, since I'm not cooking for you today, but something better." She looks down at his legs, and makes a face. "Keep rubbing them, it'll come back. You'll be yourself again in no time, making sure we all have to hide to stay safe." A quiet pause. "I need to talk to you about something later, though, ok? Nothing major, just need to... Clear something up."

"If you want to fly, when I get out of here, I'll take you up on Dananth if you'd like, Aida." K'sar offers, then adds "I just really hate tea. Sweet doesn't help much." Then a quirked brow at Essdara. "Clear up...what?"

Chuckle escaping, Aida shakes her head and offers a smile K'sar's way. "It was supposed to be a joke," she says. "Ha ha, I leapt off a rock trying to fly, injured myself in doing so." She sits up, casting a glance back towards the tunnel she came in through. "I really must've lost my humor out there somewhere. I think that hurts more than my wounded pride." A tragic sigh is exhaled, and then her attention swings back to the pair. "But as far as the tea goes...unfortunately, I don't have much of a recommendation, there. On /that/, I'd suggest talking to a healer about it. They might be able to give you something else for the pain, and let you drink whatever you prefer. Maybe."

Essdara closes her eyes for a moment; her lips move slightly, and a talented person might see her count to five before opening her eyes again. "K'sar, typically when one says they want to talk about something later, it means they /don't/ want to talk about it /now/." Still, her tone is more amused than irritated. "They are very fond of the teas, though, and I can't see you getting out of that. You can handle it till you are better, though. If not, I'll tell Dananth to come sit on you. Think I could convince him?" She looks over to Aida with a little concern. "I'd say, Aida, that twisting an ankle might be enough to jar loose any sense of humor. We can leave in a minute, if you like? I'll get you that thing you wanted."

K'sar says, "Neiran said it was 'teas, teas and more teas - and numbweed for my back." He bats his lashes at Essdara. "Want to hold my hand while they put more on my back? I promise to not annoy you too much." He looks over at Aida - "I know it was supposed to be a joke, but I wasn't kidding about taking you for a ride if you wanted. I know my mood isn't the greatest either - but I'm really starting to lose hope and get really impatient here. It's not your fault - not anyone's fault - but being stuck here with nothing to do is really making me a little crazy. All I can do is think about what ifs."

"Yeah," Aida agrees in response to Dara, giving a little nod of her head. She shoves herself up to her feet, testing her bad foot briefly before wrinkling her nose and exhaling a sigh. A step is taken before she stops again, looks over towards K'sar. He's considered briefly before she offers a sympathetic smile. "I'd like that," she tells him. "A great deal. I've never been on a dragon before. Thank you." A brief pause, and then she's offering, "I'll see about finding at least some books or something for you? If nothing else, something for you to distract yourself with? Being stuck in a cot...well, I sympathize."

Essdara smiles a little down at K'sar. "If I am around, I will. Like I said, I want to talk." She glances at Aida a brief moment, and then leans down to give the bronzerider a tender, though not brief, kiss. "I'll come by later with something tasty, I promise." She says, after standing back up. SHe looks to Aida with a soft sigh. "Would you /please/ just lean on me until we get back to the dorms, Aida? You're going to make it worse and be even more upset with yourself."

"That would be great, Aida. Thanks." K'sar replies and then closes his eyes and relaxes as Dara kisses him, one hand lifting to brush her cheek as she pulls back. "Sweet. I'll look forward to it. Be careful, okay?" His shoulders settle into the pillows a little more and he watches the two of you, fingers curling and uncurling in the blankets.

"You're welcome," Aida tells K'sar, offering him a warm smile. "If you think of anything else you'd like for me to track down, keep it in mind; I'll be in for my shift later and will be happy to see what I can do." That said, she's glancing to Dara and making a face. "No," she declares, a definite touch of finality to her tone. And then she's walking -- not even limping much -- for the tunnel back to the caverns. "I'm fine." So stubborn.

Essdara growls in frustration, and quickly moves to fall into step beside her. "As you wish, Aida." Coolness to echo the finality. "Why should I care if you enjoy making yourself hurt?" K'sar is given a wave over the shoulder as the pair head into the caverns.

rp, infirmiry, aida, k'sar, essdara

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