High Dara, Part 3: Nothing happens!

Jul 12, 2006 19:53

Who: Essdara, Kierom, Aida
Where: Baths, HRW
When: Day 10, Turn 2
Comment: A fun scene to relax after a RL situation, cut short by lost partners.

"You'd best," Aida says, casting a glance over towards Kierom's back again. There's a flutter of her own smile, and then she's looking back to the water, trailing her fingers through it. She's damp, wearing a robe, and sitting on the edge of one of the pools, her bad foot soaking in the warm water, the rest of it (save her fingers) out. "I slipped out in the snow. No big deal."

Kierom sits in the pool, and smiles at the girl from there, his robe at the side of the pool with his towles. "Well, I am sorry to hear that. Hurt ankles are /not/ fun."

Essdara comes into the baths with her normal small basket of abthing supplies, wearing a sunny smile and a slightly vapid expression. She hums a cheerful tune as she makes her way towards the bathing pools, compleyely oblivious to any other people around her.

"Not terribly so, no," Aida agrees, chuckling quietly and shaking her head. There's another swat at the water, and then she's turning and glancing when she hears Dara's humming. An eyebrow lifts, but she smiles all the same. "Hey, you," she calls.

Kierom nods at Aida and smiles when he sees Dara. "Wow, must be a popular time." He splahes himself with waterv again and chuckles softly.

Essdara grins brightly at Aida, giving a litle twirl before coming to rest on the edge of one of the unoccupied pools. "Hello to you both! I wasn't expecting any company, but I'm always happy to see either of you, so yay for me!" She sets her basket down and unceremoniously starts disrobing. "How're you both today? Isn't it just a wonderful day? I think so, it's been very good to me so far!

Aida blinks slowly up towards Dara, her eyebrows lifting. She's quiet for a long moment, then smiles warmly and starts to sit up. "It is," she agrees quietly. "Absolutely wonderful." There's a chuckle, and she scoots back out of the water, drawing her foot up and eying her ankle. While yes, it is swollen, it's not /terribly/ so. A towel is grabbed, and she starts to dab it off carefully.

Kierom blinks at Dara for a moment and shakes his head. He moves to the edge of the pool where his towls are, but stays in. "It's been nice," he says. "Pleasantly uneventful." He peers at Aida's ankle quickly, trying to assess for himself how badly it's hurt.

Essdara, naked, drops into the water with a happy sigh. She peeks over the edge at Aida's foot, and makes a face at her. "Still hurting? You should see Neiran, he's got a tea that'll fix it! A tea for everything, pain, sadness, being awake, being asleep, convulsions... You name it, he's got something for it!" She splashes a bit with her feet. "Think K'sar'll get better, Kierom? I hope so, he's a lot of fun when he's not being all crabby and sick."

"I'd planned on it, actually," Aida says, giving Dara a slight smile. She finishes patting off her ankle, setting the towel aside in favor of a cloth bandaged as she starts to wrap it back up. "It's not all that bad, though." It's hurt, it's swollen and red, but there's no bruising or the like. She seems quite skilled with the bandage wrapping, at least.

Kierom nods at Aida, "That is good to hear that you have it checked on." He glances over at Dara quizically and nods. "I' sure he'll get better. He's showing signs of improvement ever time I visit him."

Essdara beams at Aida. "Good. I hate when you pull that 'I'm not hurt, I'm fine' crap. Makes me want to drag you in there myself to get looked at. You need to take good care of yourself, if only to keep the people who love you happy!" To Kierom, as she reaches for some sand to scrub with. "Yeah, he is! Well, I mean, 'cept today, that was just bad all around, but I think he is getting better. Now if I can just catch him in a lucid place and have a talk to him!" Scrub, scrub. "He thinks he knows things about me, and thinks he can 'help', and I plan to make sure he keeps his nose out of it!" Firm words, but all said with an almost sickeningly sweet, cheerful tone.

Lifting an eyebrow, Aida points out, "I am fine." Of course. She tucks the end of the bandage in on itself, then gathers her things up, shoving up to her feet. Her weight rests on her left foot once she's up, but hey. "A minor injury really is no big deal. Honestly." A shake of her head. "I'm going to excuse myself, though -- Dara, it's good to see you feeling well. Kierom, it was nice seeing you."

"You know you wouldn't let /me/ get away with that." Dara says, cheerfully. Still, she waves to Aidaa and turns to Kierom. "So what've you been up to? I've been so distracted lately that I've been neglecting you horribly. Anything new and fun int he guard barracks?"

"You don't work in the infirmary," Aida points out cheerfully, flashing a grin. This, apparently, seems to in her mind close the argument. She gives a wave to the pair of them, then goes limping off in the direction of the tunnel. It's not a bad limp, but she is limping, yes.

baths, rp, kierom, aida, essdara

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