Say hello to sleep deprivation and exhaustion

Aug 11, 2010 15:04

That's right, I'm back in hell.

And it's going to be worse than it has ever been.

Today, I woke up 7 a.m. to the beeping of my alarm clock for the first time in about ten weeks. I also woke up from in the middle of a dream (that, very curiously, was about Star Wars - up until now only DGM has ever been able to sneek into my dream to a recognizable amount) for the first time in still about those same ten weeks. But, the worst of all, I woke up tired for the first time in what is more like eigth than ten weeks, but that's not the point. The point is I was tired. I still am. And you know what's best?

That's exactly what I'm going to be until next June.

Yes, I hate remembering what it's like to wake up to an alarm clock that interrupts an interesting dream, which your body tells you you're supposed to be dreaming for the next two hours or so before you're ready to get up. I absolutely detest it.

Then, once you've actually managed to get back to the school building, it's time to remember what it's like to go to a new school for the first time in three years. A quarter later you'll remember the sound of tens of people talking at the same time, loudly, in a restricted area, all more or less confused, tired and in general not-happy about being there.

Still - if we forget the very first feeling that you get when the beeping of the alarm clocks shatters the weird but nice dream you're seeing and you realize the harsh reality of the moment - the worst part of the Day of Unpleasant Reminiscences is still ahead. Yes, you're totally right. It is that ugly, depressing and overrall horrible moment when you're hit with the information of how irrationally much work you need to do. It's the moment you're given your schedule (and all the promises of being able to decide it yourself are crushed).

So, to put it simple, once again they expect more from you, once again you'll get more work, once again the amount of stress that's going to pile onto your shoulders is larger, once again you're going to be more exhausted than you've ever been before - and as you're loaded with all that knowledge, you can do nothing but wonder, how much worse can this still get?

Every time the answers is the same - worse.

And then you just hope you'd be 65 already so you could retire - and then, a few moments later, you'll hope they still have the system that allows you to wait your death wihtout working by the time you'll be old enough.

(And somewhere in the far corners of your mind, a little voice tells you rather hope you don't work yourself to early grave before that.)

I went to school today.

ranting, complaining, school, tired

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