Random update - what's going on?

Aug 23, 2010 17:15

Now that the school's starting to move more smoothly, I got to say I'm happy to have the initial stress, exhaustion and depression out of the way. The first few days were just awful.

But, it's still not easy or anything like that - hell no. How could 36 hours per week ever be easy?

That said, my final decision is to drop out of DGM big bang. I would really, really love to still try although I know I'll be just jaded before Christmas, but when the facts are I'm not going to make it, I don't want to drop the story off after some artist has signed to draw art for it. It wouldn't be fair.

Now, I just have to tell the admin about it. Siiiiigh.

Other than that? Um... I haven't written Property - or anything else for that matter - at all since school started. Well, except for a singel sentence, but that hardly counts now does it. I have, however, read lots and lots of Star Wars fanfiction. ^^ I shouldn't, but I can't help myself. It's addictive. All the angst and self-explore. I've found my heaven. XD

But, yeah. My schedule sucks. The school starts at eight everyday and ends either at four or at three. Like, eight or seven hours per day. Gosh. So, forgive me. I'm tired. And I seem to be taking it out on other people, which is... not good. But yeah.

Just how ofted do I use 'but yeah' in my messages?

But yeah... Again.

My brain is dying on me. I'm leaving now. Off to read some more Star Wars fiction probably... which I totally should not be doing.


random, property, ranting, school, tired, star wars

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