The day I woke up

Jul 27, 2010 19:45

I've come to the conclusion that I suffer from two different kinds of block. The first is a simple lack of inspiration and will to write, while the other is incapability of producing good text regardless of whether or not I have an inspiration. And I tell you, the later is so annoying.

(I thank whatever and all gods for the fact that normally my blocks are the short kind. Normally.)

So, basically, I have a problem. I got this idea (amazing and wonderful idea, just like all ideas are at first) of an original story, which hasn't happened like... since I got into DGM (?), so I'm... um... happy about it. Well, it's not so much of an idea for a story (but the plot bunny is sprouting already), than the beginning of it... and gosh I already love it. The little, minor, just a fractional problem here is that I can't write it. I admit, it's not the most easiest kind of beginning to write, what with how it needs to be told and describes and all that, but, but, I want it done, because the idea, the bloody image is so pretty, beautiful, amazing that the page I wrote isn't nearly good enough. I've even tried to draw pictures based on that scratch of a storyline (or rather, it's world).

It's just so frustrating.

Other than the beginning, I don't have much ideas for the story, though. It's scifi (which isn't actually all that surprising at all, I've had it coming for years now), although I haven't decided what kind of type. I don't want the world be too... dark or steampunkish or like that. More light and so on, and of course all pretty (or not so pretty) alien lifeforms. Hah, I just love building up my own worlds, more than writing about them actually. ^^ Maybe I should get a career from designing worlds for video games or something. XDD

But, well, the good thing is that I'm finding more nice soundtracks from youtube like this.

random, scifi, ranting, original story, writing, block

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