And Dreams Of Gold

Jul 29, 2013 22:01

So, I caved in and got myself a tumblr account. Finally.

Now I just have to figure out how to use that - ridiculously confusing - site. This is not done any easier by my email's refusal to work properly at the moment. I hope I'm not missing any truly important messages...

On the other hand, if I do get this on the right track, I'll have lots and lots and lots of lovely pictures. Because, apparently, tumblr has better art than deviantart. Also, all the fun stuff. the mean time, I've somehow ended up reading Bagginshield and I don't even. I mean, my first thought when I saw that end scene of the Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey was "there's going to be so much shipping". The second was "I don't see that working, not for me, thanks". And now I'm reading it... well, okay, I'm reading it because it's a Bilbo-figures-out-he's-got-the-One-Ring-and-does-something-about-it which results in (at least at this point in the story) people-not-dying. Which is yay! for me. Also, because there isn't enough Melkor/Mairon (Morgoth/Sauron) on the internet. No really, there isn't. I've got my own headcanon for them and I've written nothing about them or LOTR in general.

Damn you beautiful art for making me ship them.

silmarillion, the hobbit, lord of the rings, melkor/mairon, fics

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