not hate to love, but hate and love

Aug 08, 2013 19:04

I liked The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. I really, really liked it. It wasn't quite as awesome or grand as The Lord of the Rings but that didn't make it any worse a movie, because it wasn't supposed to be this solemn and mighty myth about the fate of the world that LOTR is - no, it's the smaller tale about smaller fates, about a hobbit who, instead of saving the world, goes on an adventure.

[Here There Be Spoilers]Granted, an adventure is a far more dangerous and - more importantly - life changing affair than most usually think, even when it doesn't involve a lost kingdom and an exiled people, a dragon and a creeping darkness - but despite this, the Hobbit is more cheerfull, more carefree, more adventurous than the Lord of the Rings. And for that reason, I loved it and was excited to see the next installments.

Then, nearly half a year after watching An Unexpected Journey, I finally remembered that this tale doesn't have a happy ending. In fact, the ending of the Hobbit is, if not darker, then at least somewhat sadder that that of LOTR, or so I see it. The Lord of the Rings, after all, starts out dark and ends in hope and bittersweet happiness, whereas the Hobbit goes from almost carefree joy to danger and loss. And that hits me, hits me hard, and makes this journey (of experiencing the story) both good and horribly sad, because I know where it ends and that has me clinging onto the good moments even as I await the eventual heartache. It's kind of awful feeling to love something you know you will cry over.

But that's why we have fanfiction, I suppose; not for practice, not for entertainment, not even for more of what we love, but so we have something to cling onto when the authors make us cry and ache over their choices. Or that's how it's for me, at least.

And it's good to know there's something to make me feel better next year when I walk out of the theater with red eyes and a running nose.

the hobbit, lord of the rings, philosophy

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