And Maybe One Day I'll Understand

Jul 22, 2013 11:39

I try not to take sides (at least, not politically) in the whole "Western World vs. Arab countries" that's going on, because I do kind of understand most of the points both sides have. But then sometimes I stumble upon some piece of news that just has me going like what? They can't be for real, can they?

Like the Norwegian woman who was working for a company in the United Arab Emirates and was raped during or after (the news doesn't tell exactly) the company's night-out. The next morning, she went to the police station to report the rape. The result? She was convicted of extramarital sex, drinking alchohol and lying to the police. The sentence was sixteen months of imprisonment.


I know a bit about Norway and out of those three, only lying to the police is a crime there. I also know that foreigners are generally expected to obey the laws of the country they are in, but still - would a Europian woman (especially a Norwegian woman) have thought that she might be convicted practically of the crime she went to report, especially when that crime was by her standards againt herself?

Sometimes I just can't get my mind around the cultural difference.

what is this?, random, politics, real life

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