Of random things and a new plot bunny.

Apr 03, 2010 09:49

So, I'm at my grandparent's place, along with the rest of my rather small family. I'm done with Property's 13th chapter and my beta is done with it as well, but because my grandparent's computer doesn't have the Word (but the Works) I can't get the document published. So... I'll get it tomorrow, when we head back to home. In the meantime, I'm planning to write something else and try to find a way to somehow transfer it through my email without screwing everything up. I'll probably fail epicly.

Also, I'm trying to learn to use this site better. For an example, how do I get only some parts of my entries behind those... what do they call them... cuts (?). Like when there's only the summary and so on visible, and then there's a kind of link (?) to the actual story. Well, anyway, I haven't figured that one out yet. I'm hopeless with this kind of things.

But yeah, I was planning to ramble about a blot bunny that causes havoc in my brain (and I should be writing the two other plot bunnies away, not taking it on with a third one. And then there's still Property...), but oh well. I'm anyway an expert when it comes to digging my own grave.

So, I have this inane idea of a (surprise, surprise) Yullen story, in which there is a war, bunch of gods and a very advanced inquisition. Kanda is a high-rank interrogator and Allen happens to travel with a caravan that gets taken over by Kanda's squad. It's not probably too hard to guess what ensues. It just happens to be that Allen does have something to hide.

Why do I seem so keen on writing fics with torture and abuse? Does this tell something about me?

But I have still Property, On The Blue Ice (in which Kanda's skating partner gets into an accident) and Where Snow Falls (a long multichapter story, with fantasy and magic mixed withing) to write, so it's not even entirely sure wether or not I ever get around to write this new idea. Hopefully I find time.

Happy Easter to everyone!

plot bunnies, random, lj, ranting, fics

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