Block, block, block...

Mar 14, 2010 19:48

So yeah, I feel like I'm going to have a block. Again. Geez.

It's just that I really shouldn't read the things I've written, 'cause everytime I do, I just can't help but to see just how much of a crap it is. And that takes all my will to write faster than I can click myself out of the page. Sucks. I want to rewrite most of the things I've already written, but I know if I tried that, I would only end up getting sick with the story and dropping it. So. Not a good idea. I should get the thing written first, then rewrite it, but the block gets to me in the middle of the thing and... It sucks. Gosh.

And, really, I don't want to drop incomplete projects, 'cause there's people who read them and it wouldn't be fair to them. At all. So yeah, it's really nerve-racking. But maybe I'm just taking things too seriously. I'm like that sometimes... most of the times. I need someone to cheer me up and kick my ass when I crumble into my angsty fits. Although, I hate it when people try to cheer me up or kick my ass whenever I'm being stupid or childish. Then I hate myself for being like that. Identity issues, anyone?

But, anyway. I have no clue what I'm doing with Property's next chapter. I feel like if I put what I want to put into it, I'll rush things too much. But if I don't do it, it gets boring and has no point. And I kind of don't even like the scene that I have already written, since it's like completely OOC and... Geez. Like, really, geez. I'm starting to wonder if the thing even has a plot to begin with.

Somebody, just hit me, okay?

So, I'm kind of planning (trying) to write Property, hopefully withing the next half year or so, and then either rewrite it or delete it. At least until I get it rewritten. Or then I just rewrite the first chapters that just simply suck and put alarms all around it, telling people not to read it. So, yeah... This has no point, has it? I'm just sulking in my angst corner. You'd think I was old enought to not act like this. Ugh...

And I wasn't supposet to turn this journal into a diary. Great, just great.

Well, in case anybody actually read this thing... I probably change my mind within a week, so no worries. Probably. Maybe.

random, ranting, writing, block

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