esoterian Jun 04, 2009 08:41
flying, the beach, coyotes, food, death, rain, vertigo, dream, past lives, bullet, people, shapes, clothes
esoterian Feb 21, 2009 07:54
the woods, mushrooms, winter, rain, green, nature, billy, oak trees, afternoons, walks, molly, fort ord
esoterian Feb 18, 2009 07:54
math, anatomy, rainbows, storms, winter, doodling, rain, school, thunder and lightning, people, valentine's day
esoterian Jan 26, 2009 07:41
the woods, mushrooms, lace lichen, christina williams, storms, winter, rain, oak trees, walks, manzanita, fort ord
esoterian Nov 02, 2008 12:05
creatures, the woods, christina williams, halloween, death, downtown, churches, sealife, photography, skulls, fort ord, storms, rain, our neighborhood, the harbor, beaches, walks, monterey