The Last Days of 2015

Dec 29, 2015 12:01

A year that seems to have flown in! It's been a fairly good year, albeit one that got off to a bad start. Now that I've passed my driving test and procured new and gainful employment the main aim for 2016 is the very grown up 'buy a flat'. Given prices in Oxford however I may have to put Bartholomew on the stage to raise funds!

I had a very pleasant Christmas weekend with Mother and Igor (and an absent crazy flatmate thankfully) in Oxford where it has been very mild and thankfully drier than a lot of the country. There's not been much on the TV this Christmas that has tickled my fancy but I did watch, and rather enjoyed And Then There Were None on the Beeb. I quite fancy reading the book now, even if it will inevitably have less Aidan Turner in only a towel. Looking forward to War and Peace starting in the New Year, even if Auntie Beeb in her wisdom has apparently decided what has always been missing from it is a bit of incest. If it is replacing all the Freemasons bobbins I can't say I'll be complaining mind you.

As has been the case for about, oh, ten years or so, I have no interest in the seasonal blockbuster. My attitude towards Star Wars is similar to my attitide to Dr Who, even as a child I thought it was shit so I'm unlikely to be convinced as an adult. January usually brings a whole host of prestige pictures as we gear up for awards season but even that is a complete damp squib this year. Roll on February and the Glasgow Film Festival! I think my last cinema trip was back in late November to see the Brannagh and Dench production of The Winter's Tale broadcast live from the Garrick. The production itself was as top notch as you'd expect and most of the cast were of the 'Oh! It's them from that!' variety but I don't think I'd be in any rush to see the play itself again as the second half was a bit too Darling Buds of May for my tastes.

I'm back up north on Thursday to see in the New Year, enjoy yourselves!

real life, review

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