Over half way through

Jan 22, 2016 22:55

the most depressing month of the year, January. It's actually been, dare I say, not too bad? I have felt a huge difference being further south and being in a job I like this January, the insomnia and SAD that's plagued me the past couple of years has been competely absent.

Speaking of job I have had my probation review and am apparently 'A wonderful assett to the department." There's talk of them paying for me to do an MSc....so yeah, the difference compared to Edinburgh is astounding. On a related note, as I have decided that Oxford is my'forever home', I have an appointment with the bank in a couple of weeks to discuss mortages. Which all seems very grown up and scary.

So everything is chugging along nicely on the 'real life' front but we're not here for appraisals and mortage talk! We're here for the slash! On that note I am half way through season 2 of Black Sails. It's glorioulsy trashy but there are moments that are sublime, just little moments of brilliant acting and pathos. I have watched the first two episodes of War and Peace but I think I will wait for the box set to watch it all in one go. Production and acting are all top notch but the thought of the next episodes is just such as chore. Actually I might not even bother with the boxset. I read the book. That's enough.

Film wise, as mentioned previously I'm not overly interested in this year's 'pretige' season as it's all the same boring by the numbers bullshit, more so than usual. I hope Leo gets his well deserved Oscar but I'm disappointed for him that it'll be for a year mired in controversy. I watch a lot of films. The Oscars never represent the best of the year, they represent what a bunch of middle aged white guys in LA think was the best. Saying that, the lack of a nomination for Straight Outta Compton or Creed, huge critical and commercail hits, is fucking outrageous. I've yet to see Creed but I really liked Straight Outta Compton and feel it deserved a best picture nomination at least and would be willing to argue Jason Mitchell should have been a contender for best supporting actor.

I have seen the one nomination I'm interested in though, Room which I thought was excellent, beautifully acted and directed. It's nominations are well earned I feel and the film removes much of what I found problamtic about the book which was mainly how 'Ma' is defined solely as Jack's mother to the exclusion of all else. The film I think strikes a far better balance between giving Joy an identity outside of Jack yet showing the very close bond between them.

In theatre news I have been to not one but two pantos (Oh yes I have! Eh, forget it), I was in London last weekend to see Hangmen by Matin McDonagh who brougt us In Bruges. Very funny, very thought provoking.

To finish with a brief book review, I recently finshed Hunting Midnight by Richard Zimler which is an extraordinarily well written book that was recommended to me by lonelybrit. I would reccomend it to anyone interested in 19th century Portugal, African-American history and anyone who admires beautiful prose.

real life, review

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