Do Rex

Dec 29, 2008 15:19

Just near my neighborhood has opened the King Do bakery :D

It's been "Coming Soon" for months now and as I was cycling
on my way out into Boston today I saw that it was open for
business(!) At most, I figured, I'd pick up a bun or something.

But, come to find out that not only is it a fully functional
Vietnamese bakery (which means basically vaguely French baked
goods) but they have a full menu of typical Vietnamese fare,
and an assortment of sandwiches.

The only ones I can eat were the tuna and the veggie, but the
rest look lovely for those who can partake. I dunno how familiar
you folks might be with their style of sandwiches. It's pretty
particular, among the idiosyncrasies is that all of them are on
baguettes. It's kind of like a salad inside bread. And all of
them were between 1.50 and 3.00, cheap!

I got the tuna and was surprised to find that they put hot peppers
into it. It was awesome. They had good spring rolls too, but the
peanut sauce was oddly thin :S

Anyway, woo for good reasonable food in the area :) While I was there
this clutch of five Vietnamese kids came in and got sandwiches,
then these two middle aged Jamaican women (based on the green, gold
and black crocheted cap one was wearing and accents), an short
cute Vietnamese gramma, a plump white Bostonian woman (heavy accent),
and me. Working the counter were two women that could've been related,
one seemed like around 20, the other around 30. The older one was in
some sort of managerial/owner capacity because she kept printing out
the receipts and writing stuff down in a book and she was the one
ordering the other woman around. She was completely and fluidly
bilingual (well, trilingual if you count her ability to parse
New Englandese) and very, very friendly :)

Omg the bread really was kinda aces. They had straightforward pastries
as well, but

but I managed to show restraint; not on the first date.

Riding around on my bike :)

win, food, city

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