
Aug 25, 2022 21:07

I've been wanting to make an entry for a while, but I've either been very tired or not prioritizing it (too busy). Now, it's hard to remember what I wanted to write about so let me write about random things recently.

First, I feel like I mainly just make presentation at work now. The fall has lots of symposiums (internal and external) and I've had a couple of posters accepted. So after completing one, it was working on another. Then updates to the first one, then the second. And there's a "highlight" slide that I still have to make. And this is all on top of actual work. But I guess it's good for "visibility" or whatever. I think one of my goals was to present more externally and "expand my influence", or whatever they say.

Next, Angie and I have been working our way through Halo games. We played through 1-3, and are currently on 4. First, Halo 4 is remarkably bad. It's odd because you'd think there'd be a formula that this new developer (343?) could follow, but I guess they were unable to copy/paste the gameplay. My next comment would be how I think the games are Halo 1 > Halo 3 > Halo 2. I'd say 1 and 3 are somewhat similar in enjoyment, but 2 was worse, but not nearly as bad as 4. And this is all primarily based on campaign gameplay.

Thursday evening after-work soccer has been fun, even though I missed it today because I forgot my shoes. After the first session, I haven't been as crippled, and recently, it hasn't been too bad. So that's progress! Actually, I thought I played quite well last time. I felt fairly abandoned in defense (often outnumbered), but did a pretty good job minimizing damage, had a few good interceptions, blocks, and generally delaying until the offense messed up or support came back.

At least tomorrow is Friday, which is a half day (summer) and I'll be working from home since I don't have any reason to be in the office tomorrow. Summer hours ends soon, which is a bummer because I feel like I perpetually work extra hours Monday through Thursday so I get my 1/2 day Fridays for "free". But Angie reminds me that often my 1/2 day consists of me working on the couch Friday afternoon anyway. And this weekend will be packed, which is unfortunate. I have a gathering with "car bro's" from work (including families, minus mine) on Saturday then a family dinner on Sunday. I'll try to make some kabobs for the gathering/barbecue on Saturday, since it's good add-on food and it uses our own bamboo (as skewers). I imagine I'll just stop by for some time, but not too long. I guess make an appearance, eat a bit, and head back. Sunday should just be dinner, but that generally means the weekend is largely spent.

It's probably a (very) bad thing, but I find that I get too stressed over my free time. It's almost like I feel like I have so little now that not using it well is frustrating. It's not good. Oh, this remind me of what I wanted to originally write about!

Two weekends ago, Alfie got skunked... again... which is the third time! He just... tries to sneak up on animals which means instead of barking and chasing things like a skunk away, he sneak up and get's sprayed. Ugh. And this always happens right before going to bed. So to relate to my previous thought, it was very frustrating, both from a "why does he not learn" point of view, but more from this stress and self imposed pressure on free time. Because basically, the next day (Sunday) turned into pure cleaning... Alfie being cleaned again (since we ran out of hydrogen peroxide), LOT of laundry, and mopping pretty much the entire house. And this is knowing that I have upcoming weekends like this one, where it's packed. So while I was alone with my thoughts, I realized that I just need to stop putting so much pressure on "free time" and I shouldn't expect too much out of my weekends.

And since I'm fairly tired, let me end this.

pets, work, gaming, football

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