Thanksgiving Post

Nov 27, 2018 16:09

Thanksgiving was pretty good. We went to Angie's parent's on Thanksgiving. Angie made a corn caserole and I made donut muffins. They were both well received so that's good! I actually didn't think I ate a ton, but was pretty full by the time we went home. We actually left the first of any group since we're old and I don't understand like 85% of what is said (maybe more?).

Nothing was done with my family because of annoyingness from Howie and a much lesser extent my parents. But I won't go into detail since it's fairly enraging, like grudge keeping rage.

Anyway, we didn't end up watching Creed 2 or Widows due to me getting sick and times just not working out. But a couple of weeks ago, we did end up seeing Overlord. It was just okay. There wasn't anything bad about it, but it also wasn't overly interesting or exciting. I'd say it was fairly cliche and standard feeling which isn't bad, but wasn't something that'll stick out in my mind. Also, I thought it was directed by JJ Abrams, but apparently it was just produced by him.

So most of the weekend was just staying at home and watching/playing random stuff. We did get our decorations up which was faster than I expected and it goes pretty fast since the two of us work well together. We got the lights on the front and back of the house along with a few light up ornaments in the garden. Then we did the tree, which is always fun. Since Angie was so smart and started getting ornaments from our earliest vacations, setting up the Christmas tree is like traveling down memory lane and remembering our vacations. And we were so productive that I even added a new string of lights to our Darth Vader lawn ornament (we keep it in the window since it's so precious). It stopped lighting up and I tried to find the right bulb to replace last year and couldn't do it. Its a ton of lights and some of them are inside his body. So Angie had the good suggestion of just adding an extra set of lights we had to "relight" him. I couldn't get rid of the old set of lights, but it came out pretty well.

Molly (mother-in-law's dog) stayed with us Friday night to Saturday afternoon. So we brought her and Alfie to the park. Alfie led and was so smart that he was able to find the way back to the car after a lap around the lake! It was very cold on Thanksgiving (~20°F/~-7°C) but warmed up a bit by the time we took the dogs out on Saturday (~40°F/4°C). I also realized that most of my walking comes from work since my step count for this week was very low. It also rained so Alfie was cheated out of walks (and that caused less steps).

I was somewhat sick towards the tail end of the weekend. I probably felt the worst on Saturday night (watery eyes, runny nose). Sunday was a little better but I had more of a headache on Sunday/Monday. But by Monday afternoon, I felt fine. I would have considered taking a day off work, but I had to drive to the West Point site (2 hr drive) to label samples, which took maybe an hour and a half. It was stupid since three of us had to travel close to 4 hours to do 1.5 hours of easy, mindless work. I'm still somewhat annoyed that the group there was "too busy" to do it (even though they were just sitting around when we were there). Whatever, I imagine they're just disgruntled since their positions are being moved so they don't really feel like helping out anymore.

In gaming news, I'm about 10 hours into Star Ocean: Till the End of Time. I think it started REALLY slow, but it's been okay/good since. I still don't think I'm into the "real" game yet since I still don't have a full party and there are systems still not opened, but it's an interesting game. At first, I didn't know how much I liked the combat, but I think it's okay now. It's like a real time, full movement action RPG style battles with abilities. Different, but okay. And you know you've been playing games too much when you (I) recognize voice actors. And not even famous ones like "Oh, that's Nathan Drake or something" but like bit roles like Zhenji from Dynasty Warriors.

Angie has been playing Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, which makes me very envious since it looks very good both setting and gameplay. She's not sold on the RPG elements, but I think I'd be a fan of it. But I've only finished up to Revelations so it'll take me maybe 5-10 years to get to Odyssey since I have to play 3, Black Flag, possibly Rogue, Unity, Syndicate, and finally Origins! Man, they put out way too many AC games!

I also need to finish vacation posts since there are only a few more days but I guess Thanksgiving weekend is significant enough to talk about.

And I saw that the Braves picked up Josh Donaldson and Brian McCann. I assume they get a one-year discount on Donaldson to "prove health" since they got him on a 1-year deal. And I'm guessing McCann is just old now. His last years with the Yanks (which was like 3-5 years ago), he was getting old and batted like sub .250. So I guess they're trying to do stuff. I'll see if I can summon motivation to follow them next year.

baseball, holiday, pets, gaming, movies, food

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